A Divine Appointment on a Beach in Freeport –

Poolside with family – Almost too cold for laying out!
1 Corinthians 3:6

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”

My family and my husband’s extended family went on a cruise for Thanksgiving.  It was my first cruise.  And now that I’m back on land, my body still thinks it’s at sea.  When will the woozies stop?!

Anyway!  Friday afternoon, our snorkeling excursion was cancelled to due to high winds.  (Thank you Jesus!)  The water was cold and the wind was whipping.  So a few of us decided to find a beach and experience the local flavor.  Experience we did!

We made camp on a public beach.  Within moments, we were barraged with Bahemian people trying to sell us one thing or another.  Someone even offered my husband hot wings flavored with “Bahemian spices…” AKA: weed.  Needless to say, he politely declined.  But when “Lillian” approached, something inside me said, “engage her.”  Lillian was selling necklaces and bracelets.  I asked her to sit down.

My daughter and niece were quickly trying on her many creations.  They were beautiful.  Not really my style, but unique all the same.   Quickly, I knew why I had heard, “engage her:”  The God of the Universe wanted to speak to her.  And He wanted to use me to do it.  What an honor. 

I can’t tell you how often I’ve blown divine appointments.  But, something was different this time.  A supernatural love for this woman washed over me.  And a realization that she’s destined for an eternity in hell unless she knows Jesus was more than I could stand.  So I boldly, yet gently began to engage her.

I asked her about her family; where she lives, etc…  I then began commending her on her abilities to make jewelry.  I told her that she had an amazing gift.  I asked her if she realized that the God of the Universe was Who gave her that gift.  She said, “yes..” 

I then gently asked her, “Do you know God?  Do you know if you’re right with Him?”

She responded by saying, “He is my Lord.”  (Good answer!  Very encouraging!  But this is not enough. I’m fishing for Jesus.  I’m fishing for a moment in time when she realized she was a sinner and accepted JESUS as Lord.) 

So I responded, “Well, how do you become right with Him since He’s your Lord?” 

“By serving Him?” she said almost quizzically.   I was beginning to notice an irriation. Before losing her,  I looked into her beautiful dark eyes and slowly told her that, “God loved her.  That Jesus is the only way to be right with God.  That God loves it when we serve Him, but that Jesus – acceptance of Him must come first.  He’s THE only way… to the Father.”

Lillian quickly redirected her eyes and the conversation,  “You need to come speak at my church.”  (I had never mentioned anything about being a speaker.)   She was definately squirming at this point. A nerve was hit and she was uncomfortable.   She then proceeded to tell me how great her church is…  And how often she goes…

I just sat and listened attentively with a smile on my face.

We bought 3 of Lillian’s necklaces that day.  As she was getting up to leave, I put the bait out there again, “If you want to know how to be right with the God of the Universe… the same God Who gave you this amazing gift, please come back before you leave the beach today.”   Lillian promised to come back – but never did.

Despite my disappointment, a seed was sown into the soil of Lillian’s heart last Friday.  I believe God cancelled our snorkeling trip, because He had His eyes on ONE woman – on a beach in Freeport.  A woman whom He wants to draw to Himself.   And I guess He knew He could count on me to be His ambassador.  (Not sure why He felt that way.  I’ve disappointed Him so many times in the past.)  But the God of second chances gave me another chance.   And another one the next day in Nassau!

Be watching for YOUR divine appointments.  Don’t shrink back – but boldly have the courage to speak what He places on your heart. 

When you get to heaven, you may never know who may thank you because you took the time to plant or water the seed of Jesus in their heart.

Author: Tara

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