Behaviors Seen in the Last Days

2 Timothy 3:1-4

“But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be:
  • lovers of themselves,
  • lovers of money,
  • boastful,
  • proud,
  • abusive,
  • disobedient to their parents,
  • ungrateful,
  • unholy,
  • without love,
  • unforgiving,
  • slanderous,
  • without self-control,
  • brutal,
  • not lovers of good,
  • treacherous,
  • rash,
  • conceited,
  • lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God -“

Based on numerous passages in the Bible AND the formation of Israel in 1948, I believe we are living in perhaps one of the last generations prior to Christ’s return.  I watch and read the news with totally different eyes now.  (Did anyone hear about the earthquake yesterday on the opposite side of Turkey?  What about the unprecedented snowacane hitting the border of Alaska?  Or Italy now in financial trouble?)  I’m taking note of world events.

And as I watch the news, I see the above behaviors EVERYWHERE.  But before getting my pointy finger out, I decided to do a self-check. 

Sadly, some of the above behaviors describe me.  Do any of them describe you? 

We need to be aware of the world we live in and stand firm in our convictions.  Don’t bow to political correctness.  (Holiday vs Christmas – Oh, you just wait.  Can’t wait to go there!  This is one of my hot buttons!)    Be holy; be set apart; don’t follow your friends behavior merely to fit in.  Jesus IS coming back. 

When?  Not even Jesus knows.  Only the Father knows.  But signs are telling us, the time is approaching.

And if it is today, I don’t want to be found ashamed when He gets here –

Have a great weekend!
Girls of:  Wakefield Baptist and
Fairview Baptist – can’t wait to see you!


Author: Tara

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