In the Last Two Months Alone…

Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22
“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and also the dry land.  I will shake all the nations…  I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.” (bold mine)

Earthquakes, tsunami’s, famine, flood, uprisings, revolts, lawlessness, sex scandals – 

Over the last 2 months I’ve been writing in detail, giving specific illustrations and examples as to why I believe God is shaking the foundation of most everything we hold dear.  Yet in this two month period of time, take a look at what’s happened… 

  • The Turkey earthquake, 7.2
  • The London riots
  • The Occupy Wallstreet movement that has turned into lawless riots throughout not only large American cities, but throughout the world.
  • Libya joins other Middle Eastern Kingdoms, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria, whose power base has been overthrown – all since the start of 2011.
  • Financial unrest in Greece – that’s on the verge of sending the globe into another financial crisis –
  • Earthquakes in Oklahoma that started this past Saturday.  (Yes, that’s plural.  Look it up!)
  • Record blizards in 4 east coast states – state of emergency declared for each state –

God is trying to get our attention.  Are we listening? 

Following the 9/11 simulcast with Anne Graham Lotz, Joel Rosenberg outlined 4 reasons for the “shakings:”  

1.  God is shaking us because He loves us and He wants us to wake us up to our idols and our sin – for us to repent.
2.  God is shaking us because He wants us to realize there is no One else who can satisfy us or give us true peace and security except Jesus Christ.
3.  God is shaking us because He has a purpose for each believer and for the Church as a whole.
4.  God is shaking us because Jesus Christ is coming back soon, and the time to get right  with the Lord is running out.

Are you listening?  Or is your head back in the sand? 

We’ll pick up on #4 tomorrow!

Author: Tara