Do you Have a “Tent”?

Ellen Stevens, me and Autumn Weikert,
2 gals on the Knowing God Ministries ministry team at the Colonial, Refresh Your Heart Conference.

We had a great time Saturday at the Refresh Your Heart Conference!  If you are new to my blog from the Conference on Saturday – Welcome!

One of the big themes from my keynote – was that we can all hear from God and know His will for our lives.  But it starts with…

Exodus 33:7
Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp… calling it ‘tent of meeting’.  Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp.”

Last week on the news, I heard a startling statistic: 1 out of 15 families are living at or below the poverty level which has been defined as a combined income of $22,000/year.  Many of the families highlighted used to be middle to upper middle income households.  Talk about a humbling shift.

So many are out of work right now.  Men who have been in certain professions for years – have been forced to change professions or learn a whole new trade altogether.  Many have been forced into bankruptcy and foreclosure.

The impact this has on the family and on marriages can be dramatic.   Now more than ever, we need Divine direction.

I have a special place in my house where I spend time reading my Bible and praying.  It’s away from the epicenter of the home.  It’s cozy and comfortable.  I have all my supplies beside my chair:  Bibles, devotionals, my Prayer Journal, books, pens, and highlighters tissue all organized in a basket.  This is my “tent of meeting.”  It’s my special place where I hear specific direction from Jesus.

Now keep in mind, I’m not hearing audible voices.  Yet, most every time I open my Bible, I hear His voice speaking into the recesses of my heart.  As I begin in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to connect my circumstances to what I’m reading – I receive direction!  I receive guidance.  I receive comfort and encouragement.

He wants to talk to you too!

Do you have a “tent” where you meet with the Lord?    If you do, how often do you “go into your tent?”  Or are you trying to figure out your circumstances in your own wisdom and strength?

If you don’t have a tent, designate a spot in your home that’s cozy and comfortable.  A place you can look forward to visiting.  And then make it a point to go there DAILY – so that you can receive direction, guidance, comfort and encouragement from the God of the Universe.

Related Resource for learning more about a “tent.”  Click here to order:

Author: Tara