The Starting Point for Finding our Purpose

Last week, I wrote one of the four reasons God is “shaking” the world with droughts, financial famines, floods and natural disasters.   He wants us to wake up so that we live our life purpose – to stop running in circles.

Genesis 2:15
The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Last Friday, I asked for feedback as it relates to purpose in life.  (Thank you to everyone who responded.  I loved reading your notes.) 

Interestingly, every single one of you said basically the same thing:  Deep within the core of your being, you KNOW that God has a specific purpose for your life.   And He does!

God has a purpose for every single one of us who belong to Christ.   We see evidence of this following the creation of man in the first few pages of Scripture.  Soon after God gave Adam life, He gave Him work to do.  Adam’s main responsibility was to work and nurture the garden of Eden.  He was to take care of it according to his Boss’ specifications. 

Not his own specifications or his own schedule or by how he felt at the moment, but according to God’s design.  Can you imagine how beautiful life must have been?  Can you imagine how peaceful and purposeful Adam’s life was?

This is the way life is supposed to be.  Imagine if we all lived according to our Boss’ specifications.  If we lived according to God’s design for our lives.  Can you imagine what our families and our marriages would look like?  Can you imagine the impact the Body of Christ would have on a hurting world is we lived according to the Boss’ specifications? 

Micah 4:2 says, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord.  He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.

We’ve got to climb the mountain each day to spend time with Jesus so that we may know His ways and His paths for our life.  This is how we’ll know His design for our life.  This is how we’ll know what to do where He’s placed us.  This is how we’ll discern doors that the Lord may be opening for us. 

The Boss’ specifications for my life starts with how I treat and behave towards my husband.  I am to respect him and love him.  I am my kids mom.  I’m not to raise them the way everyone around me is raising their kids.  I’m to follow the Boss’ specifications towards each one of my children. 

This is the starting point to finding our life purpose.  Our purpose expands from the basics of where God has us.

However, when we fail to climb the mountain to spend time with God each day… we won’t know His ways and His paths.  We’ll be operating by our own design or the design of others.   We’ll also be operating by the way we feel.  Operating by the way we feel, never leads to anything good… 

Tomorrow:  The Next Step…

Author: Tara