When My Crazy Life and Ministry Collide!

For the last 2 weeks, my children have been on fall break.  Would love to give you a glimpse into my crazy life when my children are at home plus trying to maintain Knowing God Ministries.  Posting blog devotions when they are home are really difficult.  Keeping a train of thought is nothing short of miraculous.

The first week, we went to the Outer Banks of Corolla with my parents.  What an amazing place!   It’s truly a sandbar off the coast of North Carolina.  We had a rare opportunity of getting to catch a glimpse of the wild horses that have roamed the coastline for over 500 years.  They were brought over by Spanish settlers in the 1500’s.   

We were able to get really close.  So cool how God provides for these wild horses.
We also climbed to the top of the Currituck Lighthouse. 
Tim and I on top!  What a view.  My legs burned for hours the next day from climbing all 250+ steps.

Posting blog devotions that week, (2 weeks ago) miraculously came with ease.  But last week, was a totally different story.

After posting Monday’s blog and doing some catch up work, I left my office (at home) to make my kids a late breakfast.   As I was emptying the dishwasher, Will, (11) informs me that Caroline, (my 9 year old), had thrown a knife at Jake, our “make you crazy” lab puppy (1 1/2 year old).

I’m thinking… a butter knife.  So I ask Will, “Which knife?”  Will goes and picks up the MEAT CLEAVER and says, “This one!” 

Evidently Caroline, in utter frustration, had thrown a MEAT CLEAVER across the room at Jake!  Needless to say, I decided my children obviously needed more of my physical presence than I realized!

Meet “Jake,” the wonder dog!  (By the way, thank God the knife missed him.  Had no idea that we needed to go back to the basics of safety in the house!)

In addition to a slumber party and a house full of kids playing last week, I also had 2 ministry days. 
On Tuesday, I had the wonderful privilege of speaking to the Hephzibah MOPS group.  I LOVE MOPS groups.  (MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers.)

Mom’s of small children have a very close place in my heart.  This is such a difficult season of life.  Yet for me personally, it was when Jesus came alive to me.  To be able to encourage women to make spending time with Jesus a priority each day – to see and to hear about marriages changing as a result – what an honor! 
Lastly, our Women’s Luncheon was on Friday.  The fellowship and time together is very edifying.   

This is Kelly and Autumn!  They are 2 of 7 on my team.
Kelly is our luncheon manager.  (right)
Autumn (left) is our prayer warrior.  She travels with me to speaking events and covers me and the women in prayer.  Both a gift from Jesus. 
Here – they warmly welcome all the ladies as they arrive.

Our check-in line.

The lunch is really good!
Our speaker this month was Nicolette King, co-founder of Seeds of Mustard Ministries.
Nicolette spoke on the “Fruit of Suffering.” 
Me with 2 of our guests!
If you are hungry for more of Jesus and you live within driving distance of Cary, NC, let me know.  We will include you on our invitation list. 
If you’ve missed the posts each day, so sorry to have fallen off the face of the earth.  When my kids are home and it’s a busy week ministry week – it’s a constant battle of priorities.
I’ll be back tomorrow! (Lord willing!)   Hope you haven’t minded the personal side today.  I try not to do too many of these:)
Have a great day!

Author: Tara

  • Did you notice that the ponies look like one is standing on the other's back? Scroll back up & look again.

    Thanks for all you do! Our Crosspointe MOPS group loves when you come speak with us (We'll see you in a few months!)

    I'd like more info on your luncheons. Carolinagin (at) gmail (dot) com


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