Mother Daughter Retreat

Mother-Daughter Retreat: A Weekend of Faith, Growth, and Precious Memories

“We will boast only about what has happened within the boundaries of the work God has given us, which includes our work in [Mother/Daughter].” 2 Corinthians 10:13

What an unforgettable weekend! From the outset, it was clear that God had something special in store. Precious memories were made with these incredible women and their daughters who joined us from not only across North Carolina but also Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia. It was a blessing to see bonds formed, and friendships rekindled from prior retreats.

Throughout the weekend, the gospel was clearly presented, and good seed was sown — a reminder of the dangers of conforming to the patterns of this world contrasted with the abundant life found in full surrender to Jesus. The girls’ hearts were open and receptive.

We had powerful sessions for the moms and daughters:

  • Melissa talked about God as El Roi, the God who sees. We can take comfort in the fact that He is aware of our distressing situations. She also offered practical wisdom for encountering Jesus in our quiet times.
  • Tara illustrated the importance of living within the fence of God’s safety found in His Word; reading God’s Word daily; listening for His voice; and applying His principles. She encouraged the girls to live boldly for Christ amidst the temptations encountered.
  • Angie shared how daily surrender of hearts to Jesus produces a life of goodness, peace, and joy. She also facilitated an informative discussion with two young women on navigating social media and friendships.

One of the weekend’s highlights was when these same young women, Caroline and Bailey (who happen to be Tara’s and Angie’s daughters!), led a “Girls’ Only” breakout session. Many of the girls shared openly and asked questions in this setting, allowing Caroline and Bailey an opportunity to provide practical, faith-filled advice and model what walking by faith looks like in the hallways at school. In another breakout session, the girls learned how to pray and praise God using an A to Z list of His attributes.

During moms-only breakout sessions, we shared ideas for connecting and building strong, lasting relationships with their daughters. The moms also had an opportunity to submit parenting questions to Angie who drew upon her 25+ years in student ministry to offer life-giving, family-focused advice.

Most importantly, we rejoiced in the girls who prayed to receive Christ during the weekend, and the mothers and daughters who committed to prioritizing daily Bible reading and prayer time!

As we gathered to leave, we prayed together with both moms and daughters offering up what was on their hearts, praising God for who He is, and expressing gratitude for what He’s done. Hearing the girls lift their voices in praise and thanks was especially special.

Below are a few of the post-retreat comments. This feedback reminds us of the important work we have been given (2 Corinthians 10:13) and encourages us as we begin to prepare for our 2025 retreat!

Thank you for your partnership. You are helping impact lives.

2024 Mother-Daughter Retreat: Selected Attendee Comments

I was reminded “to stop living one foot in the world and to do better listening for God’s voice and obeying.”

“The conference shook things that needed to be shaken and uncovered places where I need to pray more for my family and fight for a relationship with my daughter.”

“So good to be present with other moms and girls who have similar struggles and stories.”

“This retreat refreshed me and gave me a desire to spend time with the Lord.”

“Upon getting home, my daughter apologized for being so difficult.”

27 item(s)

Author: Tara

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