A Call to Action: Why 41 million Christians Can’t Sit This Election Out!

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17

According to research from George Barna at Arizona Christian University, up to 41 million Christians plan to sit out this election.

The study, conducted between August and September,

reveals that 41 million self-described born-again Christians are ‘unlikely’ to vote in November.

This is heartbreaking. We’re on the precipice of possibly losing our country. Losing religious freedom and freedom of speech.

God has always used imperfect vessels, as shown throughout the Bible. Our trust belongs to Him alone, not to man. America’s salvation comes through repentance and revival, turning back to God.

The political realm, as in the days of the prophets and apostles, plays a crucial role. It can either open doors for religious freedom, life, and revival, or it can shut them.

Unlike most generations in world history before us, we have the power to vote. We can influence the direction of our nation and culture, or we can give up that right by choosing not to vote.

If we complain about the state of our culture but don’t even cast a vote to resist it, then woe to us.

If we’re not motivated to vote to protect life or limit harm to babies in the womb, woe to us.

When we allow the mutilation of children without acting, we become accomplices—woe to us.

If My people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Hope centers on the word, My people. That’s us. Those of us who are believers in Christ.

Hope hangs on the word IF.

Let’s be the salt and light we were created to be. At the very least, let’s cast our vote. If even one child is saved or spared from harm because of our vote, it’s worth it.

Let’s also pray for our nation.

  • Pray for God’s will in this election and for revival. Only revival can truly change this nation.
  • Pray for repentance.
  • Pray the Church will have eyes to see and ears that hear and that believers will vote.
  • Pray that God would have mercy on our nation and heal our land.

An Attitude of Gratitude

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Author: Tara

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