A Mom who Needs Help


2 Corinthians 9:3, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

There are days I feel like a failure as a mom.  There are days  I go to bed thinking, “I’ve got to be better tomorrow.  Today, was a disaster.”  (This happened a lot when my children were small.)  Had I let them watch too much TV?  Had I fed them properly or had I given them too much junk?

My children are now teenagers.  Talk about a different set of challenges!  This past Friday night at my son’s basketball game, my 13 year old daughter  never spoke to me.  I guess we’re at the age it’s not cool to speak to your mom.

Later when I asked why – she quietly apologized.  I still confiscated her phone and told her I wouldn’t be supporting someone’s social life who has no manners.  (Then she really apologized:))

I offer grace a lot.  But when the grace runs out – you better look out.   When it comes to discipline, I struggle finding the punishment that fits the crime.

Every other Sunday, I work in the baby nursery at church.  I LOVE it.   But the other Sunday, I realized why it brings me such joy.  I leave sweet, lovable creatures, (who can’t talk back to you),  only to join moody, hormonal teenagers in big church…   Of which on this particular Sunday I joyfully greeted, “Good morning moody, hormonal teenagers.  Good to see you!”  then joined the worship without paying them another thought.

I wish you could have seen the expression on their faces.  Priceless:)

My children bring me the greatest joy.   I adore them.  There are some days, I miss them when they are at school.   I look forward to picking them up each day.   I enjoy their company – especially one-on-one.  Children are truly a gift from God.

Yet other times, I can’t begin to describe the frustration these precious gifts bring. There are times I feel like an insecure mess as a parent… Second-guessing decisions… wondering if I’m ruining their lives.  Will they be prepared to launch?  Will they be responsible adults?  Will they be Jesus loving adults who teach my grandchildren (whom I PRAY do not come before the God-ordained time) to love Jesus as well?

Parenting is hard – regardless of the age.   Parenting in a culture that breeds vanity, premarital sex, no absolutes, and self, self, self is REALLY HARD.   But God has given me these amazing gifts with the responsibility to be a good steward.  

This is why we’re hosting next Saturday’s Parenting Forum.  I want to be a good steward, but I need help.  Certainly,  I’m not the only parent who second guesses herself?

God instructs the older women to teach the younger women. (Titus 2)  So I’ve asked women who are older than me and with more experience to come help!

Parenting forum web banner

If you have children age 3-18, this Forum has been designed with you in mind.

  • We’ll learn effective discipline for every age. 
  • We’ll learn what to be in a tizzy about what we can let go of!
  • We’ll learn when and how to talk to them about the birds and the bees
  • We’ll learn how to instill Biblical values  despite living in a sex saturated culture.
  • We’ll also get an opportunity to ask specific questions.  

I’m not sure of any churches in my area doing this.  THIS EVENT IS A RARE FIND.  Don’t cut yourself short.  Share this event with your girlfriends and make a fun moms day out of it!  (The weather is going to be cold and sunny)  What else better could you do for yourself on a cold winter morning?!

Click HERE to learn more

Click HERE TO REGISTER.  Early Bird savings ends Tuesday, February 2nd.


Author: Tara