A Mom that Received Help!

Proverbs 27:17,
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”


Following last August’s Luncheon, one of our team members commented, “I’m so proud to be a part of an organization willing to talk about the real issues women face bringing real answers from a real God.”

Saturday’s Parenting Forum was another one of those events  – Women facing real issues,  received real answers based on God’s unchanging Word.   It was a beautiful picture of iron sharpening iron.  The moms in attendance were HUNGRY.

They were fed richly from God’s deep well of Truth.

A big thank you to our speakers: Suzi McDuffee , Gwen Brodd, Melody Merritt and Rey Cooke.

Suzi McDuffeeGwen BroddMelodyMerritt[1]

Rey Cooke 4






Thank you for availing yourselves to us. Thank you for the wisdom you shared.  Thank you for sharing what you did right.   Thank you for sharing where you could have done a better job.  Thank you for being real and authentic.  As a result, the mom’s opened up and asked hard questions.  Thanks to you – they got answers.  Some were unexpected and surprising!

A few of the issues and questions addressed:

  • What do you do if your child has NO INTEREST in the things of God?
  • What do you tell your 8 year old daughter when you walk into a make-up store and the clerk, a man, is dressed like a woman?
  • At what age do you have “the talk” with your children?  How do you have “the talk?”
  • How do you fix continue behavior issues in your children?
  • What’s the best way to effectively discipline?
  • How do you best keep the family “connected.”
  • When you’re a single mom, what’s most important?
  • What do you do when your daughter finds two of her girlfriends (from church) making out on the couch at one of their houses?

Did I mention we talked about real stuff?

RICH, FULL, WISE advice was given.  At the end of the morning, many of the women lingered.  They wanted to talk one-on-one to the speakers.  Our gracious speakers lingered until the last question from the last woman was answered.
We were refreshed, encouraged and challenged.
I’ll be honest, I had a shift in thinking in several areas.  In fact, at one point, I thought, ‘I’m doing this all wrong.’  But as I sat with the Lord over those issues,  I don’t think I’m doing it ALL WRONG.   I just have some areas I need to “tighten up.”
So tightening up is beginning in the Furman house.  I have a feeling, the Furman house isn’t the only house tightening up:)
Over the next few blogs, I’d like to share a few of the main points from the sessions.   I won’t be able to share everything, but the information is too rich to keep to myself.  (By the way, we recorded the sessions and hope to make them available within the next week or so  Q&A was not recorded.)
If you are past the age of children in the home, you may want to forward the upcoming posts to other women you know.  OR if you’re a grandmother,  or want to be a grandmother one day, I think you’ll enjoy the insight:)
Next Post:  Moms:  You are on Assignment from God

Luncheon:  Next Friday February 19th
“What’s Love Got to do with it?”

Speaker:  Crystal Robert
Crystal Roberts

Have you ever looked for love in all the wrong places?  Have you ever looked to other people or things to fill your love tank only to come up empty?  Don’t miss next week’s luncheon!

Click HERE for a full description and registration

Author: Tara