Guest Writer: Stacey Fjellman, KGM Team Member
Ephesians 3:20, “He who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us.”
As the school year begins anew, a tightening starts in the pit of my stomach. Some days it works it’s way up to my throat. Life is cranking into high gear again.
I hear people ask , “Aren’t you glad school is starting again?”
Why do we ask each other that each year? I,for one, like the laid back days of summer break. To really get to enjoy my kids without all the running around and doing way too much in five days – only to have two days off. (36 hours if you really think about it. My kids say Sunday nights are ‘tainted’ being so close to Monday!)
And time is passing.
This year my youngest daughter will be in the 8th grade. I’m aware of time passing as never before. My husband and I talk a lot about these being the years to enjoy… To make sure we’re being intentional about parenting.
How do I know if it’s enough?
A recent article in a national newspaper talked about what psychologists have found as ‘What Teens Need during Middle School’ They need:
- a good example
- lots of understanding
- a parent who stays tuned in and is emotionally connected
If you’re like me, you quickly realize:
- A good example? I’m ill equipped to be a perfect example. (Notice my addition of perfect… No one has required that of me. Especially not God. Why do I put this stress on myself?)
- Tuned in and connected? I’m barely able to navigate my own feelings of disconnectedness and not being enough… How do I coach her through?!
After taking stock of my shortcomings, I’m at the end of myself. But guess Who’s been waiting for me to get to the end of myself?
Jesus! He is the One who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.. According to His power that is at work within us.” Even as it relates to parenting a teenage girl!
I’m glad I don’t have to parent in my own strength or wisdom. I can rely on Him for discernment. I can rely on Him to fill my insecurities with security. AND, I can rely on Him to provided a place to gather with other moms navigating these important years (and quite possibly dealing with the same inadequacies I battle).
It’s a place where we can be purposeful in how we connect with our daughters… It’s the KGM Mother Daughter Conference September 23-24th! There will be a Q&A panel discussion JUST FOR THE MOMS on Saturday morning. (Plus much more!) I’m looking forward to it. Join me!
Early bird ends Friday, September 2nd. The retreat will be an opportunity to listen and share while inspiring and encouraging Mothers and their Daughters in their life’s journey. Get all the details and register HERE.