Stacey Fjellman, KGM Team Member
Guest Writer
(Second from the right)
Colossians 3:12-14,
“You must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
You must make allowance for each others faults and forgive the person who offends you…
And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love.
Love is what binds us together In perfect harmony.”
In a boat on the lake this summer during the 4th of July celebrations, I noticed how cozy the lights from people’s homes and docks looked. It was such a welcoming scene. Even though I was peeking in on other people’s gatherings, I could sense the feeling of community.
At times when I’m flying back to the Midwest , before descending into O’Hare, I notice the patchwork quilt of Illinois farmlands. There is a sense of familiar belonging. (Even though as a teenager when we’d fly to see family in North Carolina, I much preferred the romanticized landscape with its rolling hills and green trees.)
When you grow up in the same town, it evokes a sense of familiarity and belonging. That feeling only stays as long as you remain in the same town or city.
But familiarity can cause us to be complacent in reaching out beyond our comfort zones.
God is the example of perfect community: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Being created in His image, we were wired with a desire to belong. Especially in the sisterhood of female friendships. We seek relationships and community.
But we’re human. With any human interaction comes miscommunication , misunderstanding and ultimately rejection. How do we connect and stay connected?
The list from Colossians 3 is daunting and clear: Kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and tenderhearted mercy… Making allowance for each others faults and forgiving the person who offends us. And most important, wearing is love towards others.
How do we even begin to drum this up in our own lives?
Only by His Grace and submitting our will to His will.
Join us this Friday as Dina Hester takes us further into what it means to walk in relationship with other women – even when it’s difficult…
Luncheon: Friday, November 21, 2016
Pre-Register by Wednesday, November 19th – HERE