Tara Furman
Speaking into the Hearts of Women
For such a time as this...
I believe we need to know God in a personal relationship. We need to know how to walk the narrow path in world where most are taking the broad. We need to know our gifts and how God wants us to use them in our corners of the world. We need to connect to our God-given purpose and be intentional in passing our faith to the next generation.
Into every message, I weave the gospel, and the practicalities of learning how to walk with God and live our faith. (The Great Commission: Evangelism, Discipleship and Missions.) I can’t wait to hear about your event!
Speaking Topics

Your Personal Walk
How to Recognize if God is Talking to You
The same God who spoke the world into existence… who created the stars and calls them by name, is the same God who speaks to His people as well. Through the Bible, we can hear God’s voice. God speaks personally, clearly and relevantly into our lives. He knows our fears and insecurities. He understands our loneliness. He’ll address secrets we have told no one. And provides direction.
In this event, your women will learn:
- Prerequisites for hearing God speak
- How to discern His voice above the others in your head
- How to listen expectantly
- How to determine the will of God in each season of your life
Our relationship with Jesus grows as we learn to hear and discern His voice. There’s nothing more thrilling than learning to hear His tender voice speaking personally into the depths of our hearts.
Trusting God When Life is Hard
NO one is immune from loss, trouble, difficulty, and disappointment. Hardship and trials can lead us to think we’ve been forgotten by God. That maybe He’s not who He says He is in the Bible.
By examining the lessons of the Shunammite woman and others like her, we can:
- Learn what to do and what not to do when life suddenly becomes hard.
- Understand immoveable truths that do not vacillate with our emotions.
- Discover practical strategies to that will ultimately lead us to have a healthier soul.
When stormy clouds cloud our spiritual vision, we must focus on our Pilot. Only the He can quiet our minds and put our hearts at rest.
Other Topics
- Living without Regret
- Finding Your Purpose
- The Ripple Effect of One Woman
- The Power of One Heart that Changes
Marriage & Family
Learning How to Fight for our Family and Friends in Prayer
In a world that’s growing increasingly evil, where marketing’s promises tempt us at every turn and social media’s tentacles are far-reaching, what can we do to protect ourselves and those we love? Nehemiah found himself in similar circumstances.
Praying the Scriptures is POWERFUL as it unleashes God’s power into our circumstances. It’s also the most effective way to impact another’s life and make a difference in our own. During this event, your women will learn:
- The conditions needed for each of us to pray powerfully
- The weaponry at our disposal to fight for those we love
- The necessary tools to make a difference in our families and spheres of influence.
All too often, it’s tempting to think we can change others or control their behaviors. But we can’t! Only God can change the heart.
8 Ways to Create a Thriving Marriage
It’s no secret that marriage is hard. Yet when women understand and apply God’s basic principles of marriage, the atmosphere of the home can be completely redirected and redefined. In this session, you will learn:
- The wife’s role in marriage
- The necessity and how to incorporate powerful prayer into marriage
- The 8 keys to create a thriving marriage relationship that endures.
Other Topics
- Life Organization for Busy Women
- 7 Best Gifts a Woman Can Give her Family

Preparing our Hearts for Christmas
The Christmas season is full of beautiful shiny objects that create a lot of stress and busyness. All too often, we can be lulled into the pursuit of creating the perfect Hallmark Christmas, leaving us exhausted, frustrated and missing the meaning of the good news of Christmas!
At this year’s Christmas Luncheon, you’ll learn:
- How to keep from being stressed and overworked so you can enjoy the Christmas season.
- Steps for navigating difficult interpersonal relationships.
- Practical ways to include Jesus in our celebrations so the focus is kept on Him.
When we take time each day to prepare our heart, we’ll learn how to really enjoy the season, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Source of Christmas.
The Importance Nurturing Friendships of Faith and Mentoring Relationships; A Closer Look at Mary and Elizabeth’s Friendship
Friends are blessing. But friendships built around faith are very special gifts from heaven. It’s so important to have friends who speak our faith language. Friends who are at a similar place in their walk with the Lord. Friends who can encourage us when we’re down. Someone who gently holds us accountable.
Equally important are friendships with women who are older and have lived our season in life. Some in the church may refer to such a friend as a Titus woman or mentor. This friend challenges us to pursue righteousness and a godly life, to hold firm convictions based on the truth of God’s Word. A friend who loves us and wants God’s best for us and our family.
At this event, Tara will closely examine the beautiful relationship of Mary and Elizabeth. Upon finding out she was pregnant…By the Holy Spirit, Mary knew exactly who she could run to for encouragement and support.
We each need an Elizabeth or a Mary in our own lives. Someone we can be vulnerable to, without judgement. Someone who invests in you as much as you invest in them. These friendships are a gift.

What Women Are Saying About Tara
“We absolutely LOVED Tara! We loved her transparency and reference to scripture. We also appreciated the tools and visuals she offered as well as the encouragement to spend time with the Lord.”
“Tara was amazing, challenging, encouraging and convicting. She’s a dynamic speaker!”
“Tara’s messages are POWERFUL. She not only challenges and inspires, but disciples women in the Word.”
“I am in awe at the gift God has given Tara to CONNECT non-Christians with the Gospel. She is a true evangelist.”
“My daughter is enjoying the names of God and writing down her favorite verses in the Journal. She is already establishing her quiet time at this young age. Thank you.”
“Thank you for encouraging me to find my comfy place and to restart my quiet time, which had been missing in my life for a long time.“
“Our ladies are still talking about how much they loved Tara. They loved her honesty and how relatable she was!”