Breakout Session Desciptions

 Making a Difference in My Generation

Breakout Descriptions


*  There is a track for your Middle School or High School Daughters that is appropriate for their age.  Moms and Daughters do not have to go to the same breakout sessions.  Choose from the tracks below.   R-Relationship, M-Marriage, P-Parenting, Impacting, MS-Middle School, and HS-High School

Relationship Track
Spiritual Warfare
(Session 1)
Kim Powell

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4.  Spiritual warfare is the ongoing, high stakes battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.  And as believers we have a position in this battle.  We are not spectators.  We are called to be warriors fighting from our knees.  Learn to identify the battle and to unleash weapons of mass destruction against the enemy and his plans.

Prayer, From Pauper to Princess
(Session 1)
Sarah Bush

Discover your true identity to make a difference in your generation by confidently approaching God’s throne! What we think about the King affects how we pray. Prayer is a two way communication: God responds to our prayers and He has something to say to each of us. Come and learn how much God loves you and has pursued you for thousands of generations!


Perspective Matters…Getting Your Worship On
(Session 1)
Fuller Harvey

This breakout springboards from the world of photography (including several great tips on how to improve your own!) and utilizes the call to “change your perspective” as means of handling life issues and developing a deeper trust in the Lord.  Fuller has discovered that the simple prayer: “Lord, give me eyes to see what you see” not only transformed her photography, it has also transformed her prayer life and quiet time because it led her to discover the “Place of Praise”.   Join Fuller, change your perspective, and “Get Your Worship On!”

Hearing God’s Voice
(Session 2)
Kim Powell

God doesn’t just speak with a certain, elite few.  He desires to have open communication with ALL of His children.  Learn what it means and what it looks like practically for God to speak to you. Learn how to listen for and discern His voice among all the chatter and competition for your attention.

How to Choose Forgiveness When Your Heart is Wounded
(Session 2)
Cindy Finley

When the pain cuts deep, forgiveness seems impossible. And, if we’re honest … undesirable. But, not forgiving is like drinking the rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.  In this session, learn how to stop drinking the poison and start the journey to heal your heart.

Travelling Solo (Not for HS or MS Girls)
(Session 2)
Janice Lawrence

Cultivating relationships, purpose, and joy in a life travelled “solo” for a season or a lifetime.  Do you sometimes feel forgotten by God because He has not given you the desire in your heart for a mate?  Or maybe you are at a loss for how to encourage a dear friend who is unhappily single.  Join Janice as she shares personal stories, lessons, and encouragement from her own unexpected journey of a life (thus far) of singleness.  You might even laugh out loud at some of her internet dating stories.   Most importantly, be encouraged by her conclusion that whatever life’s journey holds, He is Enough.

Marriage Track
Conflict Resolution in Marriage
(Session 1 & 2)
Brenda Dubbelman

Most marriages and families are not conflict free. These conflicts can be handled correctly or incorrectly and often don’t need to be solved but rather understood and loved. This session will cover the basics of understanding conflict and the positive and negative ways of working through it.

Living in an Unequally Yoked Marriage
(Session 1)
Robin Clow
How does a believer live with an unbeliever?  Do we live differently than two believers?  Whether you live with an unsaved spouse or one who believes, but doesn’t live it, you can live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Growing Intimacy with Your Husband God’s Way
(Session 2)
Brigitte Harrison

Intimacy. Does God care? Join us as we search His Word learning why God created this amazing gift and how to enjoy it His way.

How in the world am I supposed to do this?
(Session 2)
Holly Ladner

Submission.  Do you cringe when you hear the word? Do you avoid reading scriptures that talk about it? Do you secretly wish God would have left that part out of his command for wives? In this workshop, you’ll learn more about what the word really means, why we as wives should embrace the concept, & how it can significantly increase happiness in your marriage.

Parenting Track
Parenting Your Adult Children
(Session 1)
Gwen Brodd

Parenting your adult children is like walking a tight rope…one wrong step and disaster! Learn how to wisely parent your adult children by observing boundaries and knowing when to get involved and when to mind your own business.

Prayer Makes a Difference in Your Child’s Life
(Session 1)
Melody Merritt

Are you praying for your children regularly, no matter what age they are?  Prayer does make a difference.  Becoming a praying parent is the greatest gift you can give your children.  “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b.  Come learn ways that you can become a Praying Parent, keep the heart of your child as they maneuver the stages of life, and communicate these convictions with love.

Raising Big Faith in Little Hearts
(Session 2)
Wendy Anderson Schulz

As parents we are called to be our children’s primary faith teachers, yet perhaps nothing is more intimidating as being a mom.  Using Deut. 6 as our key text, we will look at five tools every mother should have to raise big faith in her children’s hearts.  Moms will walk away with the practical steps and confidence needed to get started today!  

Tending Your Garden
(Session 2)
Suzi McDuffee

Have you ever wondered how to make in-law relationships “in-love” relationships?  Do you want your influence on your children and grandchildren to have an eternal impact?  Come and learn how your choices of priorities, prayers and passions can create a fragrant “family garden” that will honor God and become a joy and blessing to all.

Impacting My Generation
(Ministry) Track

Are You in God’s Waiting Room?
(Session 1)
Brigitte Harrison

Waiting…waiting…waiting…It’s so hard. So what are you doing when you are in a season of waiting? No matter the number of hours, days or years you are waiting, God has much for you to learn and tasks for you to accomplish while you are waiting. Are you making the most of your waiting season?

Doing Something Bigger Than Yourself

(M/D-MS & HS) (Session 1)

Wendy & Sarah Schulz & Ellen & Rachel Stevens

God is doing incredible things through His daughters – have you been sensing God calling you to do something bigger than yourself.  Come meet two teens who have answered God’s call.  Senior Rachel Stevens will share how she  started a bible study in her school for fellow students.  6th grader Sarah Schulz will share how she started a program that raised $25,000 last year to build a medical clinic in Zambia.  This session for women of all ages will teach practical ways to hear from God, how to step out in faith to do what God’s calling you to, and how to invite in friends and family members to join you in your mission.

Social Media Made Simple
(Session 1)
Cary Heise

Is social media overwhelming or too time consuming for you? Learn which social media platforms will best serve your lifestyle with easy tips and tricks to keep you informed and not frazzled!

The Secret of Making Lasting Impact Every Single Day
(Session 1)
Cindy Finley

Are you worn down from the mundane? Is the humdrum of everyday life stealing your joy? Do you ever wake up and wonder whether it really is worth it? In this interactive workshop Cindy Finley will share with you the secret that will enable you to make lasting impact every single day. You will leave encouraged and equipped to make lasting impact every single day of your life.

Conversations That Count
(Session 2)
Ellen Stevens

Do you need to be more intentional in your assigned areas of influence as Christ’s ambassador?  Are you willing to interact with others and be available to have crucial conversations with those who need to know our Savior?  Jesus imparted value to others as He shared the truth of the gospel.  Learn to communicate the Truth of Jesus with the Heart of Jesus.

The Gentle Art of Mentoring
(Session 2)
Judy Roberts

Life is an adventure, and the personal experiences and insights gained as you have grown in your Christian life may help make you the perfect guide for a younger woman to grow in her personal relationship with God. What a profound effect one Christian woman can have on a “younger” woman by investing in her life!  Biblical mentoring can take place in an informal relationship or in an intentional teaching relationship.  We will discuss both.  Discover what you have to offer as a “mentor” to someone in your own sphere of influence.

Young Women’s Track (Girls: Middle School, High School & College)
Doing Something Bigger Than Yourself
(M/D-MS & HS – Session 1)
Wendy & Sarah Schulz & Ellen & Rachel Stevens

God is doing incredible things through His daughters – have you been sensing God calling you to do something bigger than yourself.  Come meet two teens who have answered God’s call.  Senior Rachel Stevens will share how she  started a bible study in her school for fellow students.  6th grader Sarah Schulz will share how she started a program that raised $25,000 last year to build a medical clinic in Zambia.  This session for women of all ages will teach practical ways to hear from God, how to step out in faith to do what God’s calling you to, and how to invite in friends and family members to join you in your mission.

Standing Firm in an Image Conscious World
(Middle School – Session 1)
Heather Rumley

Each of us is uniquely created by God.  You are not created to be just like everyone else.  Are you influenced by the world’s culture, social media, and your friends?  Join Heather as she shares how to stand firm and not conform to this image conscious world.

Friendship: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Middle School
(Session 2)
Amy Harriman

Friendship and Girls. It can be great and it can be tough.  Who’s in?  Who’s out?  Who’s cool? Who’s not?  One day we’re friends and the next day we’re not. This breakout session will talk about navigating the teen years of friendship.  There are glorious gifts of friendship and also rocky roads but all along remember we have the one true friend who will always be with us no matter what.

Treasured and Adored
High School
(Session 1)
Kayleigh Bradham

As a daughter of the KING, you are by birthright a PRINCESS! – Treasured and adored by God beyond what you can imagine.  We will talk through what God’s word says about how much He values and loves us, and see how amazing our lives can be when we truly let this reality infiltrate our hearts!!

Living Above Insecurity
High School, College
(Sessions 1 & 2)
Lindsey Wingo

We are ALL insecure in some way or another. Whether our insecurities are silly and shallow or deep and extensive, none of us are strangers to the uncertain, anxious feelings that go with them. If we allow insecurity to define us in the hidden corners of our hearts, how can we live the joyful, victorious lives we are called to live in Christ? In this session, we will discuss what the Bible has to say about insecurity and how we can choose to live above it!

Flourishing when everything seems so hard
High School, College
(Session 2)
Quinn Evans

We will look at the lives of several young women in the Bible, all of whom discovered what God said about them and it changed their lives. We will see how God used them to overcome great personal and global obstacles, and discuss how He wants to do the same in our lives.