The KGM Faces, Part 1

The KGM Faces, Part 1

 Ezra 7:28Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leading [women] from Israel to go up with me.Our mission at Knowing God Ministries is to help women KNOW God personally…  To NOT just merely know ABOUT Him...
5 Tips for Reading Chronologically

5 Tips for Reading Chronologically

 Don’t miss our 2 Big Announcementsat the bottom of today’s post! Deuteronomy 32:47″They are not idle words for you – they are to be your life.”  (The Bible) This is my Chronological Bible.  Notice the tabs...
Reading the Bible in a Year

Reading the Bible in a Year

Hebrews 12:24″To Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant.”A little over a year ago, I purchased a Daily Chronological Bible in an easy to understand format: the New Living Translation.   As a result, I HAVE LOVED...
Are you that Jesus Person?

Are you that Jesus Person?

 Deuteronomy 32:46-47″These are not idle words for you [the Bible] – they are to be your life.”FYI:  I was released from Jury Duty!!!   My civic obligation was not necessary – thank God for answered prayer!I met with a...
Reading the Bible in a Year

Jury Duty

Esther 4:14″…for such a time is this.” In the corner of the jury lounge.  Brought lots of work with me. Today, (Monday) I have jury duty.  The timing could not be worse.   I’ve just come off of a major weekend and...