The Bible – When it Makes you Cringe!

(Today builds on subsequent posts. God is shaking us as a nation and as a world: economically, environmentally, and in natural disasters. Reason #1: He loves us and wants us to repent.)Jeremiah 42:6 “Whether we like it or not, we will obey the Lord our...
The Meaning of Life –

The Meaning of Life –

John 1:4″In Him was life.”Where have you been looking for purpose, meaning and satisfaction to life?  In:reaching your professional goals?raising the most well-rounded, obedient, mannerly, educated children?wearing the trendiest fashion?joining the...

NOT one of the Boys –

John 14:6″Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.  No one gets to the Father but through Him.”Hindu, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, Jehovah’s Witness, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Baha’i, Baptist, Anglican, and...

Big Girl Pants Required –

1 Chronicles 12:32″…the men of Issachar, understood the times and knew how to respond.” In the midst of intensifying and greater frequency of natural disasters, economic and social calamity and moral depravity around the world, what makes...

Keep Your Eyes on Israel – the ‘Fig Tree’

Do we have any clue as to the importance of Israel amidst all the calamities happening in the world?   (The last two posts precede this one.)Matthew 24:34I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have...