20 Realities Jesus Endured on the Cross

20 Realities Jesus Endured on the Cross

Carrying His own cross, He went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified Him… John 19:17,18 On Good Friday, it’s easy to gloss over the cross without acknowledging its full implications. But the cross made...
Five Decisions for Thriving in an Unsettled World

Five Decisions for Thriving in an Unsettled World

Truly my soul finds rest in God… Psalm 62:1 In a world that is increasingly chaotic, confusing, and corrupt, how should we live? For believers and unbelievers alike, it’s easy to fixate on the daily newsfeed and assign blame to others when we become frustrated...
Recognizing When God is Talking to You

Recognizing When God is Talking to You

My sheep listen to My voice. I know them. They follow Me. John 10:27 The same God who spoke the world into existence… who created the stars and calls them by name, is the same God who speaks to His people as well. Through the Bible, we can hear God’s voice. God speaks...
When Your Marriage Needs a Jump-Start 

When Your Marriage Needs a Jump-Start 

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1 Do you remember when you and your husband started dating? If you were anything like me, you paid close attention to the outfits you wore and made sure your hair...
How to Know an Invisible God

How to Know an Invisible God

I want you to know Me. Hosea 7:6 We were created to know our Creator. He’s knowable and approachable. He’s available 24/7. He’s the only One who can fully encourage our hearts, refresh our weary spirits, and replace fear with joy! Sounds like something we all need...
Loving Those Who Rub You the Wrong Way

Loving Those Who Rub You the Wrong Way

Image Credit: https://coffeegeek.tv/best-espresso-beans/ Self-awareness is critical. Understanding our own personalities often leads to critical insights that inform and improve our interactions with others. Think about it. We are created for relationships and cannot...