When Making Big Decisions…

Christmas Tip #11:Don’t wait until Christmas Eve to wrap your gifts. Wrap them as you purchase them. This will prevent a possible stress-meltdown later in the week!Matthew 1:20″But after he had considered this (divorcing Mary), an angel of the Lord...

Born for a Purpose

Christmas Tip #10:Curl up in front of your fireplace and Christmas Tree with a hot beverage in hand and read your Bible. It is the Comfort of all comforts!Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be...

When Our Plans are Interrupted

Christmas Tip #9 – Don’t complain about the weather – it’s Christmas! It’s supposed to be cold (even snowy!) God’s been dealing with me about this all week. When we complain, we’re really complaining about Him, because...


Christmas Tip #8 – At your upcoming gatherings, consider asking your guests to share how God has worked in their lives over the last year. Go around the room – allow those who desire the opportunity to share. I had a party specifically for this purpose on...

The Value of Alone Time

Christmas Tip #7If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, host a birthday party for Jesus! Make a cake or cupcakes – don’t forget the candles! You can even buy helium filled balloons and have the children release their balloons to Jesus at...

He Speaks to Me…

Christmas Tip #6:Wish people, vendors, and stangers “Merry Christmas!,” not “Happy Holidays!”Today’s subject is mind-blowing. It’s profound! Yet we’ll see that the God of Universe – the same God that spoke all things...