Put it on your Calendar!

Put it on your Calendar!

Dear Friends! If you are a subscriber to my blog, you will know the last three posts have been technological disasters. In an email sent almost two weeks ago, I wanted to let you know about 2018 events.  Somehow it was skewed and unreadable.   Earlier this week I...
ONE WOMAN Conference Overview +

ONE WOMAN Conference Overview +

1 Corinthians 15:58, “Stand firm.  Let nothing move you…” What is the ONE WOMAN Conference about?  Open this short video link to learn more! Early Registration is open until February 1st! February 2nd and May 11th. Fall Dates:  September 7, October...
2018 Exciting Events and Vision!

2018 Exciting Events and Vision!

For the last three months, I’ve been praying about God’s direction for KGM in 2018.  Without a shadow of a doubt, I know He’s directing us toward His Word.  To make 2018  all – about – His Word. God’s Word is alive and active. ...
6 Reasons we are not Reading our Bibles

6 Reasons we are not Reading our Bibles

Last week I shared my intimidation of putting aside books about the Bible in order to read the Bible itself.  That transition was scary. Barna research says More than half of all adults wish they read the Bible more often (58%). This is down slightly from 2016 (61%). ...
Books About the Bible vs THE Bible

Books About the Bible vs THE Bible

Jeremiah 29:13-14, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord… Ten years ago, a woman approached me following a MOPS event.  I had just finished sharing my testimony and Biblical...