Technical Issues in Blog Transfer

Dear Subscriber, In your inbox yesterday, you received a list of run-on blogs.  We apologize.    This week, for consistency and simplicity, we transitioned from our Google Blogger site to our WordPress platform   . Moving forward, there...
Do You Shop at Belk?

Do You Shop at Belk?

Do you ever shop at Belk? Do you Christmas shop? Are you looking for a way to help KGM AND get a jump start on your Christmas shopping? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you will not want to miss out on this opportunity. It’s a win for YOU and...
Do You Shop at Belk?

Selective Hearing

Belk Charity Sale up 70% off storewide! (Details + Luncheon Info below!) Isaiah 66:2 “This is the one I esteem,” declares the Lord, “He who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my Word.” I often joke with my husband by telling him...
What to do when in a Fiery Trial

What to do when in a Fiery Trial

Daniel 3:24-25 “Weren’t there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?…  Look!  I see four men walking around in the fire… and the fourth looks like the son of the gods.” NOTE:  This post is in response to a young mom who...
When Your Soul is Thirsty

When Your Soul is Thirsty

Psalm 42:1-2As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”This past weekend, I did a retreat in Grundy, Va, called ‘Got Purpose?’  Grundy is DEEP in the Appalachian...
6 Ways to Become your Husband’s Companion

6 Ways to Become your Husband’s Companion

  If in the Raleigh, NC area, don’t miss the first KGM @ Nite and Tara speak on her latest book, The 7 Day Challenge.  See below for details!Genesis 2:18, The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be ALONE!Men desire companionship from their...