Boot Camp Day 12:  Why we Don’t Hear God Speak

Boot Camp Day 12: Why we Don’t Hear God Speak

John 8:47He who belongs to God hears what God says.  The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.Have you asked God to speak but it feels like there’s cotton in your ears?  Since this is boot camp, I’ll get straight to the...
Boot Camp Day 10:  Willing to Hear God Speak?

Boot Camp Day 10: Willing to Hear God Speak?

Exodus 34:14 NLTGod is passionate about His relationship with you.I’m embarrassed to share this… but it’s the truth.  I used to think people who would say, “God told me…” were just plain weird.   I’d call them...

Boot Camp Day 9: Benefits of Becoming Beautiful

Psalm 34:5″Those who look to Him are radiant.”Yesterday, I issued a challenge:    The amount time you spend becoming beautiful each day – give your inward beauty the same amount of time, attention and thought.Being VERY aware, we...
Boot Camp Day 7:  Time Spent?

Boot Camp Day 7: Time Spent?

Proverbs 31:30Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.Before we go any further in boot camp – let’s review our foundational starting points.Do you have your chair solidified?Do you have a...