One Daily Discipline That Can Change Your Life

These are not just idle words for you – they are your life. Deuteronomy 32:47

For years I attended church, yet God was not REAL to me, I kept Him in a “Sunday morning box”. When I joined a Bible study, He stayed in my “Monday evening box.” Looking back, I was merely going through the motions of “religion.”

The Bible study I attended was also attended by roughly 500 other women and 60+ leaders. I lived under an illusion that the number of years in Bible study equated to by Bible knowledge and maturity. Oh how I was mistaken! Spiritual maturity comes not from the number of years under one’s belt, but by the day-by-day study and application of God’s word.

One year, God revealed His sense of humor when I was asked to join a group of over 60 Bible study leaders. What an honor to be a leader! To me these women were spiritual giants. Not because of the Bible facts they knew, but because of the wisdom they exuded in every situation. I had great admiration for these women. Now, I was one of them – however by title only.

Inside this circle of Christian women, I saw their surrender and realized I was merely putting on a charade. Outside the circle, I looked and sounded like the rest of the world! The things I did, the places I went, the language I used, the clothes I wore, and the way I handled difficulties did not reflect the title I bore.

During the years I was privileged to serve with these women, I began to desperately want what these women had. I found myself leaving the leaders’ meeting each week begging God to allow me to know Him the way they knew Him. Then one day, He led me to their secret.

The Bible was not to be treated as just another book with idle words written in it – the Bible was to be my life.

I began to sit with God daily, in His word, learning His character, His truth, and who He created me to be.

Years later, I would begin Knowing God Ministries founded on this truth and it has been our mission from the very beginning – “to change the world ONE Woman at a time” as we encourage them to make a difference in their homes, their families, the workplace and beyond.

God has a plan and purpose for your life. Begin a daily practice of sitting with Him in His Word and see where He leads you!

Knowing God, Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time and Prayer Time

Tuesday mornings June 25 – Aug. 12, 2024
Led by Ellen Stevens

10:00-11:30AM EST

Author: Tara