“What kind of party is this?” It was an innocent enough question, but for Jean Marie Davis, that party launched her into the world of prostitution and sex trafficking that would nearly cost her everything – her dreams, her desire for love and acceptance, and even her...
Our Blog
How to Communicate with Your Husband (Without Frustration!)
"When she speaks her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness." Proverbs 31:26 Remember the 90s book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus? I never read it, but one thing is clear—men and women communicate very differently. As women, understanding...
"Is not My word like fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29 (Emphasis mine) When we pray God's Words instead of our own, it's like taking a hammer to rock. When applied over and over, that hammer eventually breaks...
Bring Your Fishes and Loaves and Watch Him Work!
Our monthly luncheon was created from a desire to gather women from all denominations to be encouraged and inspired by God's truths. Intentionally designed to welcome women of all ages, we have created a place for women to invite friends, family, and neighbors - no...
Three Suggestions for Building a Calm and Peaceful Home
Are you a wise woman who builds up her home? Or are you unknowingly tearing yours down? I don't know of anyone who would intentionally tear down her home... However, unbeknownst to us, we can either BUILD or TEAR DOWN our homes by our words, actions and attitudes....
7 Key Verses for Daily Perspective and Peace
“For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.” Philippians 1:9-10 The time we spend in prayer and reading God's word has a ripple effect on our lives. When we take the first moments...
The Rearview Mirror
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 There’s nothing inherently magical about turning the calendar to January 1st. (Yes, we know flipping calendar pages...
No More Gloom
“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.” Isaiah 9:1-7 For way too long, I had been carrying areas of sadness, gloom and distress in the deep areas of my heart. While reviewing my Prayer Journal that year, the Lord revealed to me that...
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