Our Blog

Do Our Children Know They are Loved?

1 John 4:19"We love because He first loved us."As you read the title, I'm sure your knee-jerk response is, "of course my children know they are loved." But let me ask you, what kind of atmosphere have you created in your home? One of love and acceptance? Or indirectly...

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Making the Most of the Time – Great Ideas!

Colossians 4:5Make the most of every opportunity.Suzi shares that statistics say, the average Mom spends 4 minutes a day in meaningful interaction with her children. The average Dad spends 2 and a half minutes. Yikes! As I read this am I the average Mom? Some days, I...

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Who are our Children’s Greatest Influencers?

Proverbs 13:20 NLTWalk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.Hope you had a great weekend! If you are just joining us, today's post is a continuation of the series: "Are we giving our children to the devil?" I was horrified at the news...

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Practical Parenting Tips

Titus 2:3-4"...older women...teach what is good. Train the younger women to love their husbands and children..."God has richly blessed me with the counsel of very wise and godly women. After posting "best advice" the other day, the Lord prompted me to ask them to join...

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Depravity Doesn’t Just Happen

If you are just joining us, welcome! I am doing a parenting series called: "Are we Giving our Children to the Devil." This is the fifth post in the series. Feel free to go back and read the previous posts! James 1:14-16...but each one is tempted when, by his own evil...

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Take them to the Word

Last week I started a series titled: Are we Giving our Children to the Devil? I pray that it is opening your eyes if they are not already. We cannot entrust the spiritual and moral development of our children to the church or to the Christian school. If we do, we may...

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Our Children’s Role Model

Our children and teenagers are watching everything we do. In today's post on fighting for our children from a culture that wants to suck them in to immorality, I want to build on yesterday's message. I'll use 2 verses:Deuteronomy 6:5-7aLove the Lord your God with all...

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The Sunday Morning God

One of the most powerful parenting verses is Deuteronomy 6:5-7. Over the next few days, we will go line by line. I'll also be inviting you to share your wisdom. But let's start with first things first in the fight for our children from the world's pitfalls and...

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