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When Our Plans are Interrupted

Christmas Tip #9 - Don't complain about the weather - it's Christmas! It's supposed to be cold (even snowy!) God's been dealing with me about this all week. When we complain, we're really complaining about Him, because He's the Sovereign God of the Universe Who is in...

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Christmas Tip #8 - At your upcoming gatherings, consider asking your guests to share how God has worked in their lives over the last year. Go around the room - allow those who desire the opportunity to share. I had a party specifically for this purpose on Monday @...

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The Value of Alone Time

Christmas Tip #7If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, host a birthday party for Jesus! Make a cake or cupcakes - don't forget the candles! You can even buy helium filled balloons and have the children release their balloons to Jesus at the end of the...

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He Speaks to Me…

Christmas Tip #6:Wish people, vendors, and stangers "Merry Christmas!," not "Happy Holidays!"Today's subject is mind-blowing. It's profound! Yet we'll see that the God of Universe - the same God that spoke all things into existence - Who named the stars, Who spoke to...

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Our Limitless God!

Christmas Tip #4: Throughout the Christmas season, give your family the gift of a sweet disposition! Luke 1:8-18 At my high school reunion last summer, when asked what I do - the question that immediately followed was, "why are you doing that"? (Emphasis on 'that'.)...

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Hope in Utter Despair

Christmas Tip #3: Prepare a Mission Heart Hug shoe box for the wives of military spouses. Sponsored by Encourage Her Ministries, you can prepare a shoebox and drop them off at any local Chick-fil-A. (My preference - Cary Towne Center Chick-fil-A. This is my...

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God’s Commendation – Luke 1:5-6

Keeping Jesus the center of your holiday - Christmas Tip #2:As a good friend reminded me just this weekend, pull out a hymnal and read/sing/hum the words to the old Christmas hymns. Sing them to the Lord in your quiet time, with your children, or when you ride down...

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