Christmas Tip #1: If you want to resist the urge of racing a senior citizen to the only table at Panera Bread (sadly, I've done it): start each day before shopping, decorating and entertaining by spending some time in prayer and Bible reading. Start with Matthew 1-2...
Our Blog
A Life that Counts
Ezra 1:3 tells us that King Cyrus proclaimed freedom for the captives of Judah. Ezra 2:64 tells us only 42,360 people took him up on the offer and left their captivity to return to their homeland of freedom.Why is this significant? I was pondering my morning reading...
Season Change! “He changes times and seasons…” Daniel 2:21
I know - it's the beginning of August. It's hot and sticky outside. Where I live in the south the humidity makes everyday a bad hair day unless you have exceptionally good hair. (Which I don't. I wear mine in a pony tail most every day!) We're about two months before...
“Creator God”
This week my Bible study group in the Raleigh area studied the first unit of Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time. We looked at Job 38 in detail and our eyes were opened afresh to His greatness. I personally walked away in awe of His absolute authority over...
Update on Will – Saturday, May 15th.
I'm overwhelmed to the point of tears as I read the facebook entries made by my sister, your comments, notes, emails, and messages sent through my family members. I've been totally disconnected this week. THANK YOU for your prayers and support.When I think back to how...
Using the ‘Gift Card’
Every spring and fall, I clean out my closet. Last fall, I was bold in my approach. If it didn't fit, if I wasn't wearing it, if it was too worn, or if I just plain didn't like it, out it went! In disgust of the clutter, I may have gone a bit overboard because now...
Does God Really Talk to Us?
The Furman clan!I recently attended my 20th high school reunion! The question of the night was, "what are you doing now?" Most everyone responded by sharing their profession or information about their families... The answer I would give threw most for a loop. Sadly,...
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