Our Blog

Every Family Has a Story

Every Family Has a Story

We are beginning a series of messages that highlight key takeaways from speakers at our recent One Woman conference. This week we begin with Dr. James Banks and his son Geoff Banks. At ONE Woman ’24, we hosted father/son duo James and Geoff Banks; James is the father...

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“One Woman Prayer”

“One Woman Prayer”

Over the next few weeks, our blogs will expand upon key messages heard from our speakers at the recent “One Woman” conference. In preparation, today KGM volunteer Ellen Stevens offers a prayer of reflection from the conference. As you read the prayer and upcoming...

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A Man and a Woman’s Perspective Regarding Sex

A Man and a Woman’s Perspective Regarding Sex

God formed man from the dust of the ground….and took a rib from Adam and made woman, and He brought her to the man. GENESIS 2:22 All too often when we get married, we tend to think we're marrying someone like our best girlfriend, when – in actuality – we’re marrying...

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Do Our Prayers Really Make a Difference?

Do Our Prayers Really Make a Difference?

By: Melissa Bell Have you ever prayed for something and wondered, “What’s the point?” Is God even hearing my prayers? Recently I was feeling a bit discouraged in my prayer time, as I have been praying for some things FOR YEARS! Do you ever feel like this? Overwhelmed...

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Go to the One Who Can

Go to the One Who Can

When a crisis comes, we often seek sources of support and solace in the form of our spouses or friends. And while those in our lives can offer valuable help, what happens when they don’t have the right words in response or the answers we need? The following passage...

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Where We Put a Period, God Puts a Comma

Where We Put a Period, God Puts a Comma

"The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people." Luke 1:25 Before reading the end of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s life story, one could easily think: This couple was all but forgotten by God....

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