By Allison Cain One morning, while walking and talking with the Lord on the paths at the NC Art Museum, I was specifically praying for His direction. I was asking Him to make my next steps clear. A little while later, I came upon this fork in the path. I actually...
Our Blog
Unsettled? One Secret to Finding Peace
By: Debbie Wilson “If you started a church, what would you name it?” My friend’s question startled me. But a name immediately came to mind. On the drive home, I pondered her question and the ease with which the answer had come to me. I reminded the Lord of our little...
The Lifesaving Gift of SPR (Spiritual Remembrance)
"This cup is the new covenant between God and His people - an agreement confirmed by my blood. Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it." - 1 Cor 11:25 By: Amanda Daniels Do you feel afraid, lonely, confused, or anxious? Are you desperately searching for...
Three Changes to Make in Parenting Your Young Adult
"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." Proverbs 22:6 NLT By: Angie Hathaway Dear Mom, Congratulations, you have raised a strong and independent adult! All the years you have spent teaching, training, encouraging,...
Do You Want a Deeper Connection with Your Teenager? Follow These Tips!
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18 NIV By: Angie Hathaway I have spent countless hours sitting across the table from a teenager while they poured their hearts out to me; sometimes, we talk about their plans...
8 Ways to Love Our Children Well
"For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return." - Philippians 1:10 NLT I was so fortunate to have been raised by a mother who was extremely intentional in her parenting. Though she...
“This motivated me to get closer to God” – Wouldn’t we all Love to hear these words from our teenager?!
There's something special about a weekend retreat! U N A F R A I D September 8 - 10, 2023 For Moms & Daughters 6th - 12th grade Camp Willow Springs - Lake Gaston, NC Don't miss the opportunity to connect with your daughter on a deeper level! JOSHUA 1:9 “Be strong...
How Your Actions (Both in and out of the bedroom) Can Make or Break Your Marriage
In 2003, when I was struggling in my marriage, a friend and mentor gave me a copy of The Politically Incorrect Wife. She said, “A friend co-authored this book. Look at it.” In short, the book changed my life and marriage. I began learning that God never intended for...
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