September ISI information Below! Save the date! When You're not Feelin' it!(Please note: Today's post piggy-backs last week's, When he Doesn't want your Jesus. If your husband is doing anything illegal or immoral... If you are being abused in any...
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When He Doesn’t Want your Jesus, Part 2
1 Peter 3:2"...when they see the purity and reverence of your lives."(Please note: If your husband is doing something illegal or immoral... If you are being abused in any way, shape or form - please seek professional counsel.)When your man doesn't...
When He Doesn’t Want Your Jesus, Part 1
1 Peter 3:1Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives."What do you do when your husband doesn't want your Jesus? When he won't to...
What Time is It? Part 2
“Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.”Psalm 19:2As I started to tell you last week:The clock said 4:34.And, yes, that was “a.m.”This, however, was not a typical “roll over, glance at the clock, go back to sleep" moment: those...
What Time is It? Part 1
“Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.”Psalm 19:2The clock said 4:34.And, yes, that was “a.m.”This, however, was not a typical “roll over, glance at the clock, go back to sleep"moment: those numbers JUMPED off the clock and knocked...
5 Tips from Friday’s Luncheon!
James 1:17"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father."As we kick-off a new ministry season, Knowing God Ministries is committed to helping women make a difference in their corner of the world.For the 90 women in attendance - we...
Does God Speak to Ordinary People, Part 2
ISI is FRIDAY, August 9th! REGISTER NOWPre-Registration rate closes - WEDNESDAY!General Session:Unwrapping the Gift of Sexual Intimacy Workshop: How can I have Peace… My Closet’s a Mess! (Descriptions, Details and Menu Below) Speaker: Gwen...
Does God Speak to Ordinary People? + 2 New Announcements
ISI is FRIDAY, August 9th! REGISTER NOW We're excited about our August kick-off speaker and message Friday! (See below for details)We're excited to see you again! And we're excited to see how God is going to grow each of us so that we can impact our...
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