But Daniel resolved... Daniel 1:8 My heart aches for our country. With all my being, I believe we’re in unprecedented times and at the precipice of Babylon 2.0. The ancient city of Babylon was long associated with evil, and God eventually destroyed it because of this...
Our Blog
Practicing Hospitality Is Not Just for the “Special” People
"Always be eager to practice hospitality." Romans 12:13 I used to think hospitality was just for the special people – the ones who appear to always have it all together. And I was certainly not one of them! The thought of having people in my home stressed me out....
The ONE Woman Conference: Changing Lives One Woman at a Time
“You sent abundant rain and refreshed the weary.” Psalm 68:9 In December, as I was reading my One Year Devotional Bible, Zechariah 10:1 jumped out at me. I immediately thought of our upcoming One Woman (1W) conference scheduled for Spring 2023. “Ask the Lord for rain...
Evidence of a Fruitful Life
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8 Allow this truth to soak deeply into your spirit: the God of the Universe has ordained that your life bear fruit. And not just a little bit of fruit but much...
5 Ways to be More Like Jesus in 2023
“…clothe [ourselves] with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let [ourselves] think about ways to indulge [our] evil desires.” Rom 13:14 NLT By Lisa Grimes There are lots of things we’d all like to accomplish in the New Year, right? I can think of...
5 Questions to Get You Started on Your New Year’s Resolutions
“For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.” Philippians 1:9-10 By: Lisa Grimes What are we longing for in the New Year? Is it to bring Jesus more glory? To be bolder for Christ? Or...
What Will They Think?
“When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” by: Lisa Grimes After God redirected Joseph’s steps concerning his plans with Mary, I wonder if Joseph may have been tempted to believe that God didn’t have his...
The Importance of Friends
The Importance of Friends Luke 1:39 “At that time, Mary got ready and hurried to the town in the hill country of Judea…” Pregnant by the Holy Spirit... Scripture does not tell us how or when Mary, the mother of Jesus, shared the news of her with her parents and...
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