Our Blog

“Mother, May I?”

“Mother, May I?”

(Part Three of a Three Part series entitled STOP AND GO, by Fuller)Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.Isaiah 28:23  (NIV)Remember the classic children’s game: Mother, May I? “Mother” is the leader and calls out a command to a specific...

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Put on the Brakes!

Put on the Brakes!

(Part Two of a Three Part series entitled STOP AND GO, by Fuller )“. . .all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed Me.”  Genesis 22:18The movie FORREST GUMP*, about a man with special needs who leads an extraordinary life, has a humorous scene...

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Ready, Set, GO!

Ready, Set, GO!

(Part One of a Three Part series entitled STOP AND GO, by Fuller)Many people grow up thinking that the Bible is a bunch of Thou-Shalt-NOTs.  In reality, it is a HUGE compilation of yeses, complete with a litany of “open door” GOs.  (Certainly, a GOis more of...

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Parenting Q&A with Beth – Workshop Review

Parenting Q&A with Beth – Workshop Review

II Peter 1:3"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness."I personally appreciated Beth's willingness to share real life issues and how she handled them when her 4...

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Video Promo by one of our Children

Video Promo by one of our Children

3 John 1:4"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."Kelly Hollis, the gal who is in charge of our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheons has a 13 year old son named Matthew.  He is responsible for today's blog.  You...

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