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“Men want Respect” – Workshop Tidbits

“Men want Respect” – Workshop Tidbits

Thanks to Rebecca, our team I.T. guru, Love and Respect is now on the KGM website.  Quantities limited.  Order yours today! https://tarafurman.com/resources/ Ephesians 5:33"...and the wife must respect her husband."Just in case you missed the workshop...

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Iron Sharpens Iron Lunch Recap

Iron Sharpens Iron Lunch Recap

If you were at the luncheon and wanted the book Love and Respect, by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, we have them!   We are working on getting them on our website.  Hope to have them available by the end of the week.  We only have...

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The History of Valentines Day

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Valentines Day?  Thanks to Macon Newby, a friend of mine, I've just learned the reason behind Valentines Day.  Valentines Day now has new meaning new meaning:In 269A.D, Valentine was young, wealthy and in...

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Thanking God for the Little Things!

Thanking God for the Little Things!

Psalm 118:28You are my God and I will give you thanks...Do you take time to thank God for the small things?   I firmly believe it delights Him when we do.  Let's start the THANKSGIVING SECTION!Note:  This was videoed at a friend's house last...

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Help me to wake up Lord!

1.  Iron Sharpens Iron - THIS Friday 2/10/12!BONUS: February is WORKSHOP MONTH!Register Early and save!https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.pl2.  Christ Baptist Raleigh NC - this Thursday 2/9/12!If you are in the...

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Learn to Speak a Man’s Language – Respect

Iron Sharpens Iron - THIS Friday!BONUS:  February is WORKSHOP MONTH!Register Early and save!https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.plEphesians 5:33 "husbands must love their wives, and the wife must RESPECT her husband." ...

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A Glimpse into my Praise Section

A Glimpse into my Praise Section

1. Prayer Training - going on now! Make sure you have your Prayer Journal.If you do not have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, order yours today! ($13)http://www.knowinggodministries.net/ 2. Registration is open! Iron Sharpens Iron!...

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Doing What is Not Natural

Iron Sharpens IronRegistration Open - see below!2 Chronicles 20:3Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord...When the storms of life come rolling in, how do you respond?  In yesterday's post, I challenged you to do something that is NOT natural to do...

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