8 Insights into the Way Men Think

8 Insights into the Way Men Think

“The wise woman builds her house,  but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1 A few years ago at a KGM luncheon, we hosted a small panel of men that fielded various questions from our audience of women. Their answers offered...
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

It’s no secret that marriage is hard. Yet, when women understand and apply God’s basic principles to marriage, the atmosphere at home improves and the relationship is strengthened. According to God’s Word: She provides companionship. Genesis 2:18 says, “It is not good...
Respect: Five Ways to Build a Strong Marriage

Respect: Five Ways to Build a Strong Marriage

Proverbs 14:1, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” When we live God’s way in our marriage, He can use us as wives to build strong homes and repair any cracks within our foundation. In creating our homes to be a...
Responding vs Reacting

Responding vs Reacting

Don’t miss the information about: Pearls of Powerful Leadership Luncheon with Carla Harris March’s Luncheon Spiritual Growth Workshops Proverbs 15:1, A gentle answer  turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Oh, how easy it is to be sweet as...
The Gift Every Man Wants

The Gift Every Man Wants

Ephesians 5:33, Each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. I thought I’d make a gift suggestion in celebration of Valentines Day.  It’s a gift you can give the whole year through. It’s something...
Bitterness Turned to Betterness

Bitterness Turned to Betterness

  Bethany Walker Psalm 40:1 “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.” My husband and I recently celebrated 18 years of marriage. We had originally planned a weekend get away, but as our anniversary date drew near, we realized our busy...