Meet Donna Gaines – ONE WOMAN SPEAKER
Meet Donna Gaines! She is an Author and Bible Teacher. She’s also one of our speakers for the ONE WOMAN Conference! Donna Gaines is a passionate Bible teacher and disciple maker who fervently desires to see the lives of women transformed as they encounter God...
Meet the Real Superwomen
Meet the DYNAMIC DUO I lovingly call, Superwomen! Lisa and Paula are two of the smartest, savviest, and probably the most fearless women I know. They’re alpha, power women. On more than one occasion, I’ve called them each Superwoman. Both have made it...
Beauty for Ashes – Meet ONE of our Speakers
Isaiah 61:3, “I will bestow on her a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Meet Dr. Peggy Banks! She is the Global Ministry Director for TransWorld Radio’s Women of Hope. The first time I met Peggy was...
The Holidays and My Blended Family
Guest Writer: Erica Jevons Sizemore Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us.” The holidays always seem to be filled with both excitement and trepidation in...