5 Questions to Get You Started on Your New Year’s Resolutions
“For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.” Philippians 1:9-10 By: Lisa Grimes What are we longing for in the New Year? Is it to bring Jesus more glory? To be bolder for Christ? Or...
Are You Surrounded By People and Still Feel Alone? You Belong Here
“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” – Proverb 27:9 By: Melissa Bell I just returned from our annual KGM Mother Daughter Retreat with one of the greatest realizations…there is something special about our KGM community. This past weekend, we rallied together in...
Five Decisions for Thriving in an Unsettled World
Truly my soul finds rest in God… Psalm 62:1 In a world that is increasingly chaotic, confusing, and corrupt, how should we live? For believers and unbelievers alike, it’s easy to fixate on the daily newsfeed and assign blame to others when we become frustrated...
Loving Those Who Rub You the Wrong Way
Image Credit: https://coffeegeek.tv/best-espresso-beans/ Self-awareness is critical. Understanding our own personalities often leads to critical insights that inform and improve our interactions with others. Think about it. We are created for relationships and cannot...