Boot Camp Day 7:  Time Spent?

Boot Camp Day 7: Time Spent?

Proverbs 31:30Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.Before we go any further in boot camp – let’s review our foundational starting points.Do you have your chair solidified?Do you have a...

Boot Camp Day 6: Quiz to Test your Core

Ephesians 6:10″Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.”During boot camp, one of my areas of weakness has been revealed:  my core.Ugh!  Each Monday morning, the trainer has us doing multiple exercises to...
Boot Camp Day 5:  Where do we Start?

Boot Camp Day 5: Where do we Start?

Iron Sharpens IronWednesday – Last Day to Pre-RegisterFriday, October 11th Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse MinistriesGeneral Session:Trusting God when Life StinksHow do we make sense out of situations that seem senseless? Pain tends to color our view of...
Boot Camp Day 4:  Online Devotions?

Boot Camp Day 4: Online Devotions?

 Iron Sharpens Iron Date: October 11th Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse MinistriesGeneral Session:Trusting God when Life StinksWorkshop:Beware of the ANT’s – (Automatic Negative Thinking)Register NOW HEREJeremiah 17:8He will be like a tree...
Boot Camp Day 4:  Online Devotions?

Boot Camp Day 3: Gadgets & Quiet Time

Iron Sharpens Iron Date: October 11th Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse MinistriesGeneral Session: Trusting God when Life StinksWorkshop: Beware of the ANT’s – (Automatic Negative Thinking)Register NOW HERE! Isaiah 8:11, “The Lord...