Birthday Ideas for Jesus

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Christmas

Christmas, Pink, Presents, Christmas Tree, Bedroom

John 3:16,
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

Isn’t it amazing how we can VERY EASILY go through the motions of Christmas each year and forget the real reason we’re celebrating the season?  To experience a more meaningful Christmas, take the time to ask the very Purpose of Christmas, Jesus, what He wants for His birthday!

I can remember when this was a totally new concept. Although I was a “weekly” church attending believer,” I had never thought to even consider Jesus in my Christmas celebration. Isn’t that ironic – when Christmas exists to celebrate Him?!

During Bible Study one Christmas, the leader challenged us to give Jesus a Birthday gift. She encouraged us to take the time to ask Him what he wanted for His birthday – then to follow through and give it to Him. After all, He’s given us so much.

When I asked Jesus that year, for the first time ever, He immediately brought my mind to the words that often come out of my mouth. I SEALED it in a red envelope and placed it under the Christmas tree. Many of you might think that doesn’t sound like much of a gift. But giving Jesus a habitual sin-habit so that with increasing measure we are starting to look, sound, and act more like Him, is a gift that He’ll take everyday of the year!

A few gift ideas:

  • Your heart! Become His daughter – a princess! If you’ve never taken the time to invite Jesus, your Creator, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the One through whom all things have been made into your life and heart, take the time to do so.
  • A sin habit (as mentioned above) If this is your gift – be specific – name it – and surrender it!  Examples could be a potty mouth, gossip, a critical spirit, self indulgence, an addiction. What comes to mind?
  • A commitment to start reading the Bible and praying each day.
  • A commitment to join a Bible study.
  • Cultivate a relationship with an unbeliever. Pray for that person. Share your Jesus experiences with that person. Invite them to Bible study.
  • Mend a broken relationship.
  • Memorize scripture.
  • Lead a Bible study

No matter what you choose, being intentional with celebrating Jesus is sure to bring more JOY to your Christmas Holiday!

These ideas and more from: 


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