God Chooses Ordinary People for His Great Purposes

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Christmas, Trusting God

“Brothers, think of what you were when you were called.  Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.  But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise…” 1 Cor. 1:26-27

I love studying small sections of the Christmas story.  While all four Gospels give insight into the Christmas story, were it not for Luke, we would not know some of the beautiful details leading up to Christ’s birth.  For instance, Luke’s Gospel is the only narrative that shares:

  • Elizabeth and Zechariah’s account
  • Mary and Gabriel’s visit
  • Mary’s visit with Elizabeth
  • Mary’s song
  • John the Baptist’s birth and childhood
  • Shepherd’s account
  • Jesus’ birth

These accounts are treasures for which I am grateful; look at all we’d miss if not for Dr. Luke!  

As I reflect on the entire account of the Christmas story, something else that stands out is how God delights in using ordinary, everyday people.  He chose:

  • a disgraced, barren woman described as “well along in years” to become the mother to the “prophet of the Most High who would prepare the way for the Lord.”
  • a young, poor female to carry out one of the most important acts of obedience ever asked of anyone – to become the mother of the world’s Savior.
  • a band of shepherds to share the greatest and most important news ever relayed.

Notice God did not choose the elite of the world or people who deemed themselves important.  Rather God chose common, ordinary people to be players in history’s greatest account.

God chose people whom the world considered nobodies to become somebodies in Heaven’s eyes.  Somebodies used for His great purposes.

God does the same today.  As believers, we have God-given purposes.  He tells us to “go and bear lasting fruit.”  A fruitful life is predicated by our willingness to “abide in Him,” allowing His Word to be the guiding compass of our lives.  John 15:1-6

Then everywhere we go, we take the reality and message of Jesus into the world beneath our own two feet, knowing we have been sovereignly placed by God to make a difference.

And we become a somebody in Heaven’s eyes – just like Elizabeth, Mary, and the shepherds.

Looking to more deeply experience the joy of Christmas?

25 Days of Christmas for Your Heart and Home is a Christmas devotional focusing on EVERYDAY LIFE LESSONS from Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the birth of Jesus.  Uniquely, it also includes holiday DECORATING TIPS from award-winning interior designer Lisa T. Grimes, ideas that will enable you to decorate and host with more ease.

Purchase Your Copy  Today!

SAVE THE DATE | March 5th 2022


Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
And do everything with love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14


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