Denita Thomas

Bible Teacher and a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, Denita Thomas is a source of God’s refreshment wherever she goes! She boldly stands for truth and the importance of living life with a biblical worldview. She loves teaching the Word of God so that women “may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:9-10 HCSB). Denita has dedicated herself to helping others navigate the ungodly culture in these end times and equip them for the rampant spiritual warfare…with holy boldness for the Lord.
Denita is:
• Co-Founder of Blessings to Israel Ministries and God 1st Bible Fellowship
• Graphic Designer and Owner of Denita Thomas Designs LLC
• Homeschooler of 2 beautiful and gifted autistic children
• Graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a BA in Biology
• Former employee in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical industries (16 years)
Denita grew up in the small town of Franklinton, NC. She’s married to her best friend and ministry partner, Brian. Married for 16 years, they have two teenagers. Each week, you can find her facilitating the God 1st Weekly Bible Study. When she’s not doing ministry, homeschooling her kids, and designing graphics, she loves spending time with her family, singing, baking, and watching the Tarheels, HGTV, and Food Network.
- Hope, Not Fear, in the End Times
- Think Biblically: Being Rooted in Scripture to Stand in Today’s Culture
- Embracing Holiness
- Yes, YOU Can Homeschool!
BOOK Denita
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