1 Corinthians Style Home Building – Part 2

by | Mar 10, 2011 | Marriage

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1

As we continue home building, let’s be prudent to the things that bring wisdom. We certainly don’t want to be unintentional home wreckers. As you read the Scriptures with the paraphrase, ask the Lord to show you which one or two or three things that He wants you to work on. Write them down in your Prayer Journal. Ask the Lord to strengthen you in these areas. I’m only giving these in bite-size pieces so that we can be doers not just hearers of the Word!

I Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient,

Paraphrase: Love is patient even when my husband isn’t feeling well.


love is kind.

Paraphrase: Love is kind when he makes a mistake that I warned him about.

it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Paraphrase: Love does not envy my neighbors husband (or anyone else’s for that matter.)

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
  • Love is not rude when my husband makes demands on my time and I’m already busy;
  • it is not self seeking but commits to seek to please my husband and to satisfy his needs over my own,
  • love is not easily angered when my husband says something hurtful or insensitive;
  • loves keeps no record of wrongs done through the years.

I want to give a shout out to the ladies of Keeping the Festival!

It was such a privilege to spend Friday and Saturday with you. Your hunger for Jesus blessed my heart. As I went to bed Saturday and Sunday night, I thanked God for you and prayed for each of you by name. I prayed that your “reentry” home would smooth and sweet. And I prayed that the Holy Spirit would sear on your heart exactly what He wants you to learn and apply. I prayed for those of you with sons in Afghanistan. And I prayed for Sheila’s anointing as she was covering Saturday night. (Our group prayer time Saturday was really cool!)

THANK YOU for showering me gifts, cards and flowers. I was overwhelmed by your overflow of kindness. The Cross made by the man in your area that is almost blind is precious. I value even more that he is related to many of you. I also love the shell platters! Only God knows that I adore things like that. And the shell candle that you fill up with water – it’s beautiful! Can’t wait to do that. Please know that these treats are treasures. They will cause me to remember and think of you every time I look at them.

Lastly, the cards many of you gave me are the real treasures. I’ve read them several times already. Thank you for allowing me to see evidence of God speaking into the deep wounds that many of you are carrying. In one of the cards, you wrote the verse God used when He originally called me to a speaking ministry. My husband later gifted me with a painting with this very Scripture on it. It’s very dear to me. Tears filled my eyes. I praise Him for each one of you. This second year was sweeter than the first. I love you all. Please keep in touch. Would love to see the pictures!


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