10 Thoughts on Intimacy in Marriage

by | Oct 3, 2016 | Marriage

1 Corinthians 7:3-5

The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.

Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Last Thursday night, we hosted our second event in a marriage series of three called, Can you Change your Husband?     The subject:  Intimacy in Marriage.   If this gives you a taste of the evening, the first thing our speaker did was have us text this message to our husbands:

Let’s get it on…  (Marvin Gaye)

Hearing the responses from some of the men were HILARIOUS!  The night only continued to get more interesting…

The thing I love about our speaker, Gwen Brodd,  is that she’s old enough to be my mom.  She’s been married 40 years.  She has 4 sons/4 daughter-in-laws; and 6 grandchildren.  Not only that, she shares on the subject of sex without compromising the holiness and sacredness God intends it to be.

Today, I want to pass along some of the things Gwen shared.  Put on your seatbelt.  It was quite a hot topic!

  1. God’s perspective:  The physical union of a husband and wife was designed by God for two reasons:  pleasure and procreation.  (Gwen shared she’s done procreating.  It’s all pleasure now! 🙂   God considers intimacy between a husband and wife to be sacred, righteous and holy.   His divine plan and purpose:
    • To meet a God-given desire for companionship
    • To protect the husband and wife from temptation
    • For the mutual giving and receiving of great pleasure and joy between husband and wife
  2. Is your husband overwhelmed?  If everything is going wrong in your husband’s life from work to financial stress, etc…  Physical intimacy with his wife enables him to deal with these burdens in a much better way.
  3. NEVER let your man fall on your list of priorities.  NEVER turn him down.  Never use sex for favors or use it as a method of control.  (See the above scripture.)
  4. Set the atmosphere:  Light the candle; turn on Marvin Gaye; put on the sexy lingerie…
  5. Initiate – Be the one who initiates.  If you’re always the one who’s initiating – talk to your husband.  Encourage him to be the initiator as well.
  6. Adopt the Burger King motto:  “Have it your way…”
  7. Attitude is important.  Have a good attitude.  If your attitude is sour, pray.  If you lack desire, pray. 
  8. Don’t be selfish:  Have a ‘what can I give’ attitude instead of a ‘what can I get’ attitude.
  9. Adjust your schedule to meet his desires.  Gwen shared she asked her husband what he needed.  It was more then she wanted to give.  So she shared her number.  They met in the middle.  Happy sailing ever since:)
  10. Husband not interested in sex?   Open communication is important.  She encouraged us to gently encourage him to get a physical.  He may have low testosterone issues.  This is very normal.

Many happy husbands coming from this event.  If’ Gwen’s message is practiced on a regular basis – stronger marriages will be the result.

Join us for our last event in the series: October 27th.   Subject:  Perfect Couples Live only on Wedding Cakes.

Marriage Study starts Wednesday, October 5th!

7 Day Challenge Guidebook

7 Day Challenge Guidebook

  • Wednesday, October 5th; Every other week
    Led by: Angie Hathaway
    10:00am-11:30am / 800 Park Offices Drive, RTP
    Open to all women;
  • Must register ahead of time; first come, first serve!

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  • Discounts Bigger than Black Friday
  • Rarely Discounted Items
  • Must have a ticket

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  1. Purchase unlimited $5 tickets at any KGM Event or email us here.
  2. Shop ANY BELK location October 22 – Nov. 4th.  Enjoy discounts PLUS $5 off per ticket/per register
  3. Belk holds your items and does not charge you until November 5th.
  4. Pick up your items from November 5th on.

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