by | Feb 14, 2011 | Marriage | 1 comment

John 13:5
He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.

Our focus this month has been “loving our men.” Our goal is to have Christ-centered, strong, healthy marriages. Brokenness is epidemic in our culture. If your marriage is broken or just simply needs a few tweaks here and there – I hope these messages have been clear and easily applicable. Let’s recap our medication:

  1. Death to self – Death in me, brings (supernatural) life into him and our marriage.
  2. Submission – We learned the difference between Biblical submission vs cultural submission.

We’ve also learned that these pills are not meant for one-time application – but are daily vitamins. Prayer and spending time with Jesus each day is what makes them palpable. Let’s move to the 3rd pill:

Pill #3: Serving him

When you have princess mentality, like I used to, this one’s tough. We see that in John 13:1-6 that it was “just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come…”

What “time” had come? The time had come for Jesus to be:

  • Betrayed
  • His best friend would deny knowing Him-
  • He’d be tortured and flogged;
  • The nails; the hammer; the cross
  • He’d become sin – for you and for me-
  • His Father would turn away from Him.
  • Death-

If there was EVER a time for Jesus to be served – this was the time! If there was ever a time for Him to feel sorry for Himself or zone out into space or want to left alone -this was the moment.

Do you ever have the mentality that because of all you do in the home, you should be served? I do! If you are a mom or a wife – your plate is full. See if you see yourself in any of these statements:

  • “All I do all day is take care of these children. When he gets home, it’s his turn.”
  • “I’m the one who cooks, cleans, takes the kids to school and does their homework with them.”
  • “I’m also the one who pays the bills; balances the family budget; cuts the coupons and takes the dog to the vet…”
  • “I’m the one who does mounds of laundry each day plus cooks, cleans and gets everyone to where they are supposed to be.”
  • “I hold down a full time job + all of these things…”
  • “I’m the one who just gave birth and have 1 or 2 or 3+ others to deal with…”
  • “I’m the one who gave the kids a bath the last 4 nights – it’s his turn.”

If you hear yourself in any of these statements – think about Jesus’ example. Jesus’ day was about to get really bad – and He knew it. Yet He chose to spend His final hours serving those closest to Him.

Be willing to serve your husband. Resist taking score of all you’ve done and what he hasn’t done. Be willing to go the extra mile each day.

How can you serve your husband today? What small things can you do to make his life easier? Are you willing to make it a lifestyle?

As it becomes a lifestyle, you’ll be amazed at how it comes back TEN FOLD in the sweetest AND most unexpected ways!

Tomorrow: The Lowly Tasks –

1 Comment

  1. Angel

    Oh how I love keeping score, at least in my mind. I never pronounce the results, but I sure do like to fester over them and let them come out in poutiness and distance. So thanks to you, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, this morning I let go of the no-gift-Valentine's-but-I-had-time-to-go-to-Petsmart-for-the-puppy-Day. Aaauuuggghhhh. Okay I confessed and it's gone. And this morning I got up first and did puppy duty (doodie) for him. Help me Jesus in this serving thing. Can't wait for the Word to come on your site.

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