De-Heading the 2-Headed Monster

by | Jul 12, 2011 | Marriage | 1 comment

Ephesians 5:22

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.

After yesterday’s post, were you awakened to a possible monster in your house?

If so, then in an effort to de-head this 2 headed monster, we need to focus on our job description in marriage. One of the descriptions of our job is submitting to our husbands as to the Lord.

Submission requires strength. Submission is not for the weak; it requires discipline and supernatural strength from God Himself. And may I say, the days that the 2-headed monster rears it’s ugly head in my home are on the days that I’ve failed to spend time with Jesus. Spending time with Him prepares us and gives us the supernatural strength that submission requires. Not only that, but spending time with the Lord gives us joy and peace in the process.

Nancy Cobb, in her book, The Politically Incorrect Wife, says “that we are responsible for our roles. Your husband is responsible for his. What if you do your job, but he doesn’t do his? This is between him and the Father. God will deal with a disobedient or ungodly husband. Your concern is whether or not you’re doing your job well, and you can gauge this by your obedience.”
Are you willing to be obedient to God’s principle’s for marriage?
Keep in mind, if you have children in the home, YOU and your husband are their role models. How you behave and treat their father will determine their view for marriage and quite possibly the outcome of their marriage. For example, if your daughter sees you disrespecting and usurping her father’s authority – you can unwittingly be setting your daughter up to be in a loveless marriage. How? Because she, in turn, will walk all over her husband. How can a man that was created to crave respect truly love his wife if he is perpetually disrespected?

The same is true for your son. You may be setting a precedent for your son to be a spineless worm who looks for a domineering woman who will eventually take away his manhood by being the head of the home. I see it everywhere in our culture – in politics, at the mall, in the church! Men who are now silent because their wives are running the show!

Yesterday, before my children and I began our day, we started in prayer. I looked to Will and said, “Will you open us?” He responded by begrudgingly saying, “why do I always have to open us in prayer?” (Meanwhile, my daughter was in the background saying, “I’ll start!”) With these posts in mind, the Lord led me to respond, “Because I am raising you to be a man. And a man is to be the spiritual leader of his home. Now open us in prayer.”

Girls, it takes a strong woman to submit. Let me say it again, a strong woman. But when we obey God, He will bless obedience. And you will have a sense of peace knowing you have done your job well in God’s eyes. Furthermore, the consequences of the decision now fall on your husband, not you!

Next 2 posts:

Examples of what submission looks like in the home.

Harry Potter?

1 Comment

  1. MyAwesomeOliveShoots

    You go girl! As a mama of three sons, I so understand this. As a former staunch feminist, a former member of NARAL and financial supporter of Planned Parenthood, there would have been a time when your posts would have had me up in a hizzy! Since coming to Christ 13 years ago, I can say, the Lord has opened my heart to His Truth about this subject. I have a ways to go on submission but I get it even when I don't always like it. I married a good man and praise the Lord for what God has done in our lives. Thanks for having the courage to speak out.

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