So, I could tell from Friday’s post, we need more on the subject of submission. But let me ask you: are you willing to “hear” with your heart what Biblical submission really is? Or are you merely going to delete this post because – certainly – it will not, does not, nor will it EVER pertain to you?
If you are married to an unbeliever or even if you are married to a believer, but you find yourself in a loveless marriage, then I would encourage you to revisit God’s principles for marriage.
God does not give us a bunch of rules to be mean or for us to live in bondage. God’s rules, or “principles for marriage,” are intended to bring order, peace, and joy into the home. They are meant for our good and for our protection. Just as Henry Ford created the first automobile and knew how it worked inside and out, God created marriage. He created man and woman. God knows what works best.
Do you remember back during the Clinton presidency (his 1st term) when we were told that Hillary was a “co-president?” That we got 2 for the price of 1? (Lucky us!) Remember how that went over in the public? Not too well.
The same is true in the family. There is a head and a co-head. I’ve never forgotten how my friend, Fayeson, has described this: “2 heads make a monster.” So if you have 2 people trying to do the same job, chances are, you’ve got a monster in the house.
Do you have a monster in your house?
I must admit that I had to re-read this post over and over before I could comment… This topic has been so good for me to hear and I thank you Tara, for approaching it so peacefully and from a place of love. I will say that often times I am very guiltly of allowing the monster to rear up it's ugly head… Thank you for being courageous enought to approch such a bold topic and to write about it so lovingly to us wives.