Respect: Five Ways to Build a Strong Marriage

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Marriage

Proverbs 14:1,
“The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands
the foolish one tears hers down.”

When we live God’s way in our marriage, He can use us as wives to build strong homes and repair any cracks within our foundation.

In creating our homes to be a haven for all who live it, respect is crucial.   It’s one of the keys to changing the tone and reversing any possible tide of destruction.

One of the ways we can live out the principle of respect is by being intentional with the things we say (or don’t say).  As the opening verse continues…with her own hands a foolish woman can tear her house down.  Her toolbox contains her thoughts, a sharp tongue, a temper, and ungodliness.

Below are a few suggestions for building a strong marriage.

Never talk badly about your husband to other people.  Doing so is disrespectful.  Though your husband may not see it, the Lord does.  This blatant act of disrespect will hinder forward progress to meaningful, lasting change in the home.

If your husband asks you for a favor – DO IT!  Make the favor your priority in that moment.  God intends for our husbands to be our first ministry and our highest human priority.  One of the ways we can help them is to do whatever they’ve asked with joy.  Is it running an errand?  Going to the bank?  To forget or not make their need a priority, communicates disrespect to them.

Watch your tone when speaking to him.  Unbeknownst to us, our tones can often come across as demeaning.  Be mindful.  Another trap that is easy to fall into is talking to him as if he’s one of your children.  Remember, you are his wife — not his mother.

Watch your facial expressions such as “the look” or the roll of your eyes.  With every eye roll, you are tearing down your house.

Ask the Lord to show you areas you may not be showing respect for your husband.

  • Do you demean him by the way you refer to him?
  • Do you put him down in front of others thus embarrassing him publicly?
  • Do you treat him like one of your children when he does something you consider unwise?
  • Do you frequently speak to him about his bad habits, the things you want him to do, or need for him to do?  This approach is nagging.  Don’t do it!

If you see yourself in any of the examples above, be willing to apologize.   There’s great power in an apology and repentance.  Tell your husband that you admire him.  Share your appreciation for the things he does for your family.  Talk about him lovingly in front of your children.

Respect is key to building a strong marriage and house.  But it must become a lifestyle in order to be impactful.  Put aside your feelings, make a choice to do marriage God’s way.  You won’t be sorry!

*Excerpts taken from The 7 Day Challenge Guidebook.

Luncheon:  Friday, March 1st

Impossible Circumstances?
Knowing What to Do
When you Don’t Know What to Do

Workshops!  March 12th and March 26th

Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time – March 12th
Studying God’s Word with Confidence – March 26th


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