Submission – Lived Out in Everyday life

by | Jul 12, 2011 | Marriage | 1 comment

Ephesians 5:22

Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
So, what does submission look like in everyday life?

First of all, let me give an example of what it’s NOT:

Yelling and saying a cuss word at your husband like I did a few weeks ago. This only led to immediate regret and although I WAS RIGHT, I was the one who ended up apologizing! (Sorry if I’ve disappointed you. I’m growing just as you are.)

A better example:

One of my first opportunities to practice submission came over the issue of money. At the time, I handled all the bills. One night, my husband and I had a big disagreement over the allocation of funds. The disagreement got heated. I thought one way was best. He thought another way and no one was budging. As usual for that period of time, I stomped off in a huff.

Sulking, I began thinking about our strengths. Finance has never been one of my strong suites. On the other hand, he has a graduate degree in business and is a numbers guru. Case closed. Who’s idea was best? Clearly his.

I ate humble pie and told him that even though I thought my way was best, that his way was probably better and that we should do it his way. (I must say, humble pie that first time nearly choked me. But once it was out, it felt pretty good. I also had an immediate peace in my heart.)

Now, for the “God clause!”
When you and your husband totally disagree and no one is budging, someone must budge. This is when I apply the “God clause.” Do you know what the “God clause” is?

Notice that Ephesians says, “submit to your husbands as to the Lord” (italics mine).
The Bible says that the one to budge is the wife – and we do it as to the Lord. I have prayed, many times, “Lord, as unto You…. I do not agree with this, but because Your Word says that I am the one to cave – I cave to You. (There have been some battles that I added “because I cannot cave to him.”) I’ve gotten better at it though!

Girlfriend, God honors this. It gets His attention. This is obedience to His Word. It is not old-fashioned and His Word is not outdated. But when marriages all around us are falling apart – even Christian marriages – we need something that works. Our kids need something that works. The world’s way and the modern feminist’s way are not working. Actually, I think the modern feminist movement emasculates the man’s role in the family. (That’s another day’s post.)

If you’ve read my blog post for long then you know, I am not a door mat. I’m just an ordinary woman, who has come to know an extraordinary God. His ways and His principles work. Submission, like it or not, is one of God’s principles for marriage.

I, for one, like the principle – because it takes the responsibility off of me and places it on him!


A special announcement!


Harry Potter

1 Comment

  1. Misty

    I never thought about the God Clause like that before… I am usually in silence mode, stopming off and going to bed upset… I want to honor my Lord and Savior by teaching my children what a Godly marriage looks like and by that, being submissive. 🙂 Thank you for speaking the truth in love… as always. You are precious.

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