The Gift Every Man Wants

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Marriage

Ephesians 5:33,
Each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself,
and the wife must respect her husband.

I thought I’d make a gift suggestion in celebration of Valentines Day.  It’s a gift you can give the whole year through. It’s something every man wants.  In fact, you can’t lose when you give this gift.  (And it’s not what you’re thinking, although He probably wants that too.)

What is the gift?


Men were created to desire and need respect.  Notice in Ephesians 5:33, God doesn’t encourage us, but He commands wives to respect their husbands.  Isn’t it interesting God doesn’t command us to love our husbands?  As someone who routinely interacts with women as part of a women’s ministry, I firmly believe that’s because LOVE is what a woman most wants.  We’re wired for needing love and security.

But men, be it your husband, brother, boss or friend are wired to need respect.

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be sharing practical suggestions on this all-important subject.   As for today, here are some practical suggestions taken from the Amplified Bible along with Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary.   Your man will love this gift!

  1. Reverence him – feels and shows honor and respect
  2. Notice him – looks, observes, perceives, regards, remarks, sees
  3. Regards him – thinks of, pays attention to, holds in high esteem, cares for
  4. Honor him – treats with integrity
  5. Prefer him – promotes, likes better
  6. Venerate him – regard with reverential respect
  7. Esteem him – sets a high value on
  8. Defer to him – submits to or yields to the preferences of another
  9. Praise him – expresses verbal approval of
  10. Love him – values highly, cherishes, feels a lover’s passion and devotion
  11. Admire him – appreciates, regards with high esteem, compliments
  12. Does all of this exceedingly – goes beyond the limits of

When we fully embrace the numerous ways we can show respect to our husbands, we are giving him what he needs most and will raise his level of contentment.

Does he deserve respect?  Not always, but God says to respect him any way.*  Nancy Cobb, co-author of “The Politically Incorrect Wife” says, “When a man holds the title “husband,” he is to be treated with respect.  Not that he always behaves in a way that deserves it, but in our behavior and thinking, we are to respect him, simply because he holds the title: husband.”  

This idea may be a new thought for you, but keep in mind: as wives, we will not be accountable to God for our husband’s actions, but we will be accountable to God for our actions. 

I would leave you with a challenge.  For the next 12 days, practice showing respect to your husband by using the above list.  If you skip a day, then pick back up the following day.

Then take note of how loving he’ll behave toward you!

*Please note, I’m not talking about a man who is doing illegal, immoral or abusive things.  If this is the case, please seek professional help.

**Taken from The 7 Day Challenge: Jumpstart Your Marriage in a Week.

Carla Harris is a big deal.
According to Fortune magazine,
she’s one of the most influential women in country…

She’s also an unashamed believer.
She’ll be speaking at a KGM event February 22nd
on the Pearls of Powerful Leadership!
We only have space for 50 more seats.
Get your ticket today!  Tickets include lunch and a copy of Carla’s book, “Expect to Win.”


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