Warning, Warning, Warning!

by | Feb 9, 2011 | Marriage | 1 comment

1 Peter 3:1-2
Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words but by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. (emphasis mine.)

Yesterday I had lunch with an old friend. Just being with this girlfriend, prompted my mind to a conversation we had a few years ago. There’s something VERY important that you need to know about submission.

Several summers ago, I facilitated a Bible study on marriage. Submission, of course, was one of the hot topics. This girlfriend and one of her BFF’s were there each week – engaged and fully prepared.

A year or so after the study, this friend contacted me about her BFF. The BFF had a husband who did not behave like a married man. Yet instead of putting her foot down, she remained silent, feeling like she was doing the right thing. She would say to my friend, “You’d be proud of me today. I didn’t say a word.”

My dear friend was exasperated with her BFF and called me for clarification on submission. I honestly didn’t know how to answer her. I told her I needed to pray about it. So I took it to the Lord in prayer and asked Him for clarification. I asked Him where did my friend’s friend go wrong? Her heart was right – so why were her circumstances continually spiraling out of control?

Jesus put John 15:5 in my heart that morning:

I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can nothing.

My friend’s friend was no longer attached to the Vine – Jesus. After Bible study that summer, she wandered far from her Lord.

When we are not attached to Him, meaning:

  • we’re neglecting our Quiet Time,
  • Perhaps we are going to church but our hearts are not engaged and
  • we’re not enjoying fellowship with like-minded believers, etc…

We will not bear fruit in our marriages or in any other areas of our life. It is then that our submission is for nothing. And then we become how the world perceives submission: doormats.


If we desire a fruitful; Christ-centered, loving marriage – WE MUST STAY ON THE VINE. Sitting beside the Vine is not enough. We must be attached. We must make our relationship with Jesus a priority. We must be about obeying Him in every area of our life. And we must fervently pray for our husbands daily.

Personally, I rely on the “voice behind me saying, ‘this is the way; walk in it.”‘ (Isa. 30:21). This is how I know whether to speak up or shut-up. When I’m detached from the Vine – that precious voice becomes increasingly silent to my world- filled ears.

So don’t miss Peter’s closing thoughts about submission (from above.) “…when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.” Purity and reverence are not things we can manufacture on our own. It comes from spending time on the Vine!

On a personal note:
Several of you have contacted me and have shared how these messages have impacted your life. Your words of encouragement mean the world. It’s all Jesus! I’m doing my best to stay connected to the Vine. Pray for me.
Love you,

1 Comment

  1. Caroline Simas

    Yes, I hate when I am beside the vine or even worse, just dangling in the air hanging by a thread not engaged and attached to the strongest of vines. I want to be rooted and strongly attached to the divine vine, Jesus!
    Thank you Tara!

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