Wash His Feet

by | Feb 15, 2011 | Marriage

John 13:6
“He came to Simon Peter, who said to Him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
(italics mine)

What is the lowliest task in your home? In other words, what is the one chore that no one wants to do? It’s the one that everyone ignores, hoping someone else will do it. That it’ll magically just disappear.

If we stepped inside a time capsule to the event of John 13, I would imagine that this is what the disciples were doing. The roads were dusty and dirty, so can you imagine how disgusting their feet were? Typically a servant would be available to wash the dirt and grime from their feet. However, on this particular day, there were no servants to do this lowly task.

Were the disciples looking around at each other – hoping someone would volunteer? Was it the white elephant in the room? Where they secretly thinking John should do it since he was the youngest? Or were they pridefully thinking, “there’s no way I’m doing that. “

Knowing their thoughts, Jesus volunteered to do what no one else wanted to do.

What is the job in your home that no one else wants to do? The lowliest task in my home is “poop-patrol”. Yep, its walking through the front yard and picking up Jake poop. If someone didn’t do it, we’d be overrun with it.

Please note that Jesus made the first move. “…He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist.” Do you often wait for your husband to make the first move before you begrudgingly do it? Or do you complain about it until your husband finally does it so that you’ll shut your mouth?

Jesus made the first move. And remember – if there was ever a time for the boys to step up and serve – this was it. And they didn’t.

Also note that Jesus went the extra mile. “…He washed their feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.” He could have washed them and let them to drip dry (which I would have done!). But He went the extra mile and dried their feet. He went the extra mile in serving these prideful men – one of whom – would betray Him.

Never once did He say, “can I get a thank you?” Nor do we see that He continually reminded them of what He did for them. What an example for all of us.

So, what is the lowliest task in your home? I’ve shared over and over again that this must become a lifestyle – not just a one-time thing. The lowliest task will change from season to season. When I first started, it was picking up raccoon trash. Now it’s picking up dog-poop. Click up to my picture – do I look like someone who enjoys picking up elimination?

I don’t, but I joyfully do it. All the while making a list of the many things my husband does for me and our family. When I consider his list, poop-patrol isn’t quite so bad!

Tomorrow: Betrayal


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