When Your Marriage Needs a Jump-Start 

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Marriage

The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Proverbs 14:1

Do you remember when you and your husband started dating? If you were anything like me, you paid close attention to the outfits you wore and made sure your hair looked good. And that your makeup – if you wore any – was flawless. You wanted to spend all your time with him, getting to know his personality and his likes and dislikes. You put your best foot forward in everything because you wanted this awesome man to be attracted to you in return. 

But somewhere along the way, this awesome guy stopped being so awesome, and your home was not quite what you had always envisioned. He quit putting his best foot forward and you as well. Maybe you found yourself merely cohabitating and in a marriage without all the love that was once there. 

God has a good plan for your marriage. However, in order to experience the fullness of His plan, one of you must start doing marriage and life His way. When you take this step, amazing things can happen in your marriage. But notice I said one of you. You cannot control your spouse’s actions, so it may have to be you that initiates the changes.

Keep in mind, it may not be easy, and there are no quick fixes. But it is worth it. 

The following are a few of God’s principles that will help jump-start your marriage and move you in a right direction. As you begin to apply these Biblical principles, you will see improvement. Any reasonable man will respond favorably to the changes you make. 

  1. Become a wise home builder
  2. Become his helper
  3. Be his companion
  4. Learn to serve instead of insisting on being served
  5. Make intimacy a priority
  6. View submission through God’s lens
  7. Respect is a must

It is up to you to make Biblical marriage a lifestyle, not just this month’s newest idea to try.  Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Remember Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing again and again expecting different results.

When my marriage needed a jump-start in 2003, I was in the cycle of insanity. Nothing was working, so I decided to try the ‘Jesus stuff.’ Much to my surprise, it did!

If your marriage is good, Biblical principles will only make it stronger. If your marriage is teetering or on life-support, God’s principles for marriage can be a lifeline for help.

To learn more about these seven Biblical principles for marriage, check out Tara’s mini book, The 7 Day Challenge; Jump-Start Your Marriage in a Week.


Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
And do everything with love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14


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